Base suggestions

Base suggestions 

you may comment and suggest species for bases and what kind of bases you would be interested in seeing! I will look at these suggestions and choose ones I want to do or also have interest in!


i only do nsfw for adults. There will be a warning on them at all times. Artistic nudity will not have a warning

i will not under any circumstances draw furrbies. They are a massive trigger for me

i only do furries and occasional humanoids tho I’m better at furries

i enjoy doing Chibi and symmetrical bases

bases will always be on a 600x600 canvas unless I need more room for detail

bases are always transparent 

you may edit the lines to amy of my bases and repost them (always credit me for original) if you edit them and repost you must ALWAYS add the Images to this character: this is for easier access so people don’t have to search for them! 

F2u base free f2ubase freebase Base f2u freetouse lines f2u base furry furry base furrybase Free F2U bases ftu freelines free to use f2ulines