Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

howdy howdy i would appreciate it if you read through this! Feel free to: - add characters to dreamies folders - say hi - make fan art! Do not!: - ask for free art or designs - steal or highly reference any of my characters - offer on any characters except for the ones in the sales folder, unless i specified otherwise - ask for pings, i do not do pings - copy a characters personality directly, obv with how many characters there are, there are multiple characters similar, but i mean copying likes, dislikes, personality, etc. EXACTLY I would prefer you not color pick but i do no own the colors, if you do color pick, do not make a copy of the character! - If i add one of your characters to a "dreamies folder" and you do not want them to be there, lmk me know and i can fix it immediately! i do my best to read through profile warnings and such but i am prone to forgetting :')- Thank you for reading through! have a wonderful day and remember to drink water and go outside <3333

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