
Astra dh4aeco-4360cfb3-082b-4b35-90cd-62468ec6

A peaciful place in Gogo World, placed as heart of it and surround by the Starry Sea. This place reunite a lot of stories and dreams in a really big sea to explore if you're strong and brave enough--but you can always enjoy the beautiful gardens and lakes in case you don't want to go to the unknown star sea. Its considered the new homeland of Laniling Species.

Main Self insert

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Characters that are from Dropzilla Cafe! Dropzilla and Guests are organised here with their respective nucleos by cities! Most of the characters here are active in their own stories and free to interact with others.

Original Closed Species

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Characters and stories related to Ikuyo Precure RP Group.
( Side note) A mahou universe where many of my best memories came from! I still have on-going stories in it and many characters are still active in concept, so it still is a place that I consider my "Home" in a way. Here's also the closed species created by the leaders!

RP Group Mahou

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The characters here are some I use but aren't from any of my original species/groups or are out my original universe. They have stories and can appear in other works, but come from or are actually living in the "Outer Space" (a term used from others universes in my stories!)

Other Original Species

HTML by Eggy


dropzilla king ornamentia caelin persona CS DropZilla Male Adult laniling yumi-pop Royal Mirn Crossbreed Subspecies closed species anfaende fysaera JewellBeetle SubSpecies