Research Facility

A well-regarded biological research facility which conducts studies on various topics in biology including broad research into bio-engineering, genetics, disease, and others of the more supernatural sort. The facility and it's staff are affiliated with a brand of DNA tests and several noteworthy research papers, but also work with supernaturally-affiliated groups, often in secret, such as the Global Government, Windgate, and possibly HIDEN. Nefarious plots and immoral experiments are hidden amid legitimate research and unbeknownst staff, and even with extensive scrutiny, it would prove difficult to isolate these elements.

Setting: Earth, Modern
Related: Rosa, Courtney.
Plot Relevance: Major; The Fall.

Beyond Project On Earth Human Eatharyian Quanix On SeLoxus Space Template Onixar Dungeons and Dragons Minor Global Government Aboard The Bullet Magnet Mnemonic Dreams Anarchist Aethyll Vehtel Syred Aboard The Koy Pixie Kiba Reincarnates Uktari Signs of Life Ulgaran Group Animal A.I. SeLoxus Past Coding Bottomless Depths SoUna V.I. Meme Trash Planet Elf Sacaran