MysteryDrago's Bulletins

Art Fight - Team Stardust!

Posted 10 days, 14 hours ago by MysteryDrago

surprise the starset fan is on team stardust who'd a guessed


reminder to start saving refs if you haven't!! I have a folder of 60+ just from the hitlist   

my af;

Partner's AF Hitlist !!

Posted 20 days, 13 hours ago by MysteryDrago

HEYHEY my partner also has their hitlist up!!! they're planning a SUPER SUPER COOL MASS ATTACK


Their forms here --->>>>
Also, you can read their bulletin here! ! !

Art Fight Hitlist !

Posted 21 days, 13 hours ago by MysteryDrago

haiii after taking af off last year i'm back for this yearrr!
and for the first time i'm doing a hitlist!

my attacks are probably gonna be small/quick things but I do hope to do a few 3D model ones :P

Form -

oh and my AF is btw !


Posted 23 days, 11 hours ago by MysteryDrago

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!! I've opened a couple of new commission options to celebrate!!



A 2d tweened icon of your character, includes a blink or expression change! With a simple or pride flag background. I can do any species!


And, a new option added to Low-Polys, you can now get a simple icon with a pride flag/s background for $5!

This will be available on the forms from now on, and anyone who already has a model from me shoot me a message and I'll make you one!


Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by MysteryDrago

hai hai all commissions are currently closed as I'm going to Singapore for the week!

my queue is basically empty again so when I get back the Low-Polys will be open !!

anyways go listen to starsets new song BYEEEEEE

3D YCH Meme auction!!!

Posted 3 months, 30 days ago by MysteryDrago

it's up its up!!! 

even if you can't bid i'd super appreciate any faves / likes !!! it would help heaps :]!!

MFC and Updates!

Posted 4 months, 4 days ago by MysteryDrago

haiiiii going to my first ever furcon tomorrow (MFC, Melbourne Fur Con!) so won't be online for a couple of days

so excited, i don't have a fursuit yet so I'm just going to be the handler for my brother!!! Should be fun :)

I'll be putting up the YCH Meme Auction right when I get back, and opening Feral & Anthro Low-polys a few days after as my queue's pretty much cleared! Thanks everyone for your patience!!

3D YCH Meme Sneak Peak !!!

Posted 4 months, 7 days ago by MysteryDrago

Heads up - Gonna be releasing a 3D YCH Meme Auction when my current queue is complete!

It'll start at $100 - and come with 2 3D Models by default! (Higher bids will lend to more additions and changes!) :D

Feel free to ask for pings

3D YCH Interest...

Posted 4 months, 17 days ago by MysteryDrago


24 Votes Whole Meme + Interested
1 Votes Whole Meme + Not Interested
26 Votes Slotted Meme + Interested
7 Votes Slotted Meme + Not Interested

I have an original 3d animation meme in mind I want to turn into a YCH sale/auction... 

Curious, if people would rather a whole meme go to one person, or if I sell/auction off separate 'slots' of the meme! (Something similar to my Chime Animation Meme a few years ago maybe!)

It'd be in the low-poly style and would have discounts for those with models already :3c

If anyone has ideas!! I'd love to hear them, I think this would be a super fun thing to try hehe

Free Cat base!!!!!!! [NM]

Posted 4 months, 17 days ago by MysteryDrago

my partner just released their super duper cool cat base for freee!!!!!!!!!!