Hello there! Mature characters for sale will be properly blocked off from minors viewing them, and they will be properly tagged as well for more mature viewers (no worries)! Here's the tags you should watch out for:

  • 🩷 = Characters that I'm tent on but will most likely accept money for. You could try to offer art or characters, but I'll most likely only look at characters from this favorites folder. Otherwise, I'll be extremely picky.
  • 🌿 = Characters I am ONLY taking or STRONGLY hoping to get a money offer on. If paired with an art/offer symbol, then I'll probably accept art, ocs, and combo offers of the two. I'm just going to be really picky to make sure I'm getting what the character is worth. Don't let that scare you - just be aware.
  • 🪼 = Art/character trades are allowed! If you only see this symbol listed, but there's a BV (base value) listed then that means I'm not really expecting money, and will be more lenient with offers!
  • 😈 = Explicit 18+ content like nudity, blood, etc. Will have specific content warnings if needed, but it tends to only ever be nudity due to detailed reference sheets.
  • 🍂 = Characters that have not been tagged/sorted yet. Explicit content characters are excempted from this. Mostly just means I haven't had the time to add specific tags for money/art offers, or if they belong to CS (closed species) groups.

CS cs red feral cute Feral blankats Plushlime Cat blankat pink anthro feminine Dog outfit UFT Rabbit Pink Fox UFO