Namelesscryptid's Bulletins

Temporary opening offers on those authorize only/sonas and whatnot. I feel I have almost 0 connection to most of them at the moment and I'd like to have a sona again I guess,, offer away

Owed art [pls read]

Posted 20 days, 20 hours ago by Namelesscryptid

Just wanted to let anyone I owe art to that it might be a second till I can get around to them. 

Tiny backstory but I've lived my whole life unmedicated until this past year and I finally got the balls to ask my doctor and start some anxiety meds (Yay!) BUT combined with my Adderall I’ve discovered that they make me shake like a leaf!! Like to an insane degree. So with me unable to hold anything without shaking horribly, I need to wait until my body adjusts to the medication/I figure out what's going on so I can draw again. 

So in short, I won’t be able to draw, at least not well enough to do art I’ll be proud to give to you lovely people until I can get this under control. I'm so very sorry, but I'll get to them as soon as I can!! 💛


Posted 29 days, 23 hours ago by Namelesscryptid

Promoting my instagram cause I post art there ——> Cascadecanidae 

Sales/storage account

Posted 4 months, 13 days ago by Namelesscryptid

Still transferring characters slowly over but in the future, character sales are gonna be over on Namelesssales!