Natsuki_ChanVT's Bulletins

Toyhouse Hangouts

Posted 1 month, 15 days ago by Natsuki_ChanVT

So Ive been thinking. I have been wanting to get to know some of the amazing people I have had the pleasure of getting to know here better! would anyone be interested in just hanging out sometime? do some doodling or play some games?
shoot me a dm or comment below if you would want to! <3 No pressure obviously, im just having a 5am thought XD

Car Wreak

Posted 2 months, 27 days ago by Natsuki_ChanVT

I love when you're driving and life. Suddenly gives you two options- die or ruin your car.... I had to go with the latter-
For context, it snowing I spun out and I crashed into a tree-
It was either that or going to the pond of ice cold water-

In light if this awful car wreak, Im gonna be streaming my ass off these next few days for a dono goal I set up- i wanna pay off the damages to the car I wreaked...
Ill be streaming something tonight, what that will be? Probs more coffee talk or some shit... I need something not competitive
Ill see you guys in a few hours for tonight's stream <3

SO! I just impluse bought a bunch of adopts and Im gonna upload them here now! I need some names for them and I hope you all can help! I have a huge .txt doc of names but I wanna hear what you guys suggest first! If I chose that name ill put it in the character bio that you thought it up!

Edit: Im still thinking of names, but I have gotten some good ideas so far! ill leave this up till the end of next week!

Here are the Characters!

Raffle Entery! (Not my raffle)

Posted 4 months, 2 hours ago by Natsuki_ChanVT

Raffle entry!! check out to enter yourself! <3