The Colony

Somewhere in the center of The Wetlands resides a large structure going straight up into the clouds. It is deep within this structure, that you can find  an open large space where a small colony of slugcats reside in. It is located in structure high above the land, or at least high enough where the flooding from the heavy storms aren't an issue. Pretty roomy and has plenty of space for a larger colony but so far the residents have decided to not to do that as it could make the area feel over crowded. The only way to reach the location easily is to be given a special device made by The Marksman and The Navigator. This device is like a remote that sends a signal to a device in the structure that lowers a platform to their level. It is due to this reason that reaching the home of the colony is both difficult to find and reach. Though this also give the colony more safety as it makes it almost impossible for other more hostile creatures to reach them. There have been some case where a vulture has managed to get into the colony but it was quickly dealt with by the colony.