bye-bye baby blue, i wish you could see the wicked truth- caught up in a rush, it's killing you-

this story and subsequent side stories contain themes of violence, religious abuse and trauma, cultlike behavior, poessession, physical and sexual assault, and other mature themes. please read at your own risk!

#warrior cats

before the clans had settled in their homes, it is said that three sisters inhabited these lands. while some cats believe they were once alive, others discredit the idea that these three cats lived at all. no matter what you believe, there is no denying the influence these cats had on the clans of today. these cats were known as asphodel of The hunt, fraser of The fight and myrrh of the night.

asphodel, the oldest of the sisters, was lightning fast and her steps were undetectable. her tail was abnormally long, and her frame was said to be nothing but skin and bones. despite her fragile frame, asphodel was steadfast and unwavering. her ability to provide was unlike any before her, and any after. she was often described as the tundra’s ghost, a frightening dash of cinnamon and orange amongst her dappled white coat, and deep amber eyes. it is said that asphodel taught ebonystar, the first leader of asphodelclan how to make the open tundra her home, before disappearing with the northern winds, as quickly as she had arrived.

fraser, the second in their litter, was strong and unequivocal, speaking exactly what she meant, with no desire to shield anyone from the harsh truth. it is said that before fraser came to help form fraserclan, she fought reindeer within the harsh glacial environment in which the sisters resided. known as a spitting flame among the snowy blue ice, it was hard to not catch the heat of this swirled ginger she-cat, painted with the stories of her battles. fraser taught brookstar all he needed to know in order to lead fraserclan, before burning into the glaciers themselves, fading alongside her sisters as nothing but legends of the past.

and little myrrh, the youngest sister, was a dweller of the caves below, and an observer of the moon. legends of her blood stained eyes and snow coated pelt made her less beloved than the other sisters, but this did not stop myrrh from being just as important as her sisters. myrrh was kind and understanding, with a grace that only those who witnessed could describe. many tales say the night changed myrrh from the sweet child she was into a harbinger, as seeing the eyes of myrrh would cause one's worst fears to come true. myrrh found solace in sunkenstar, and guided her through the caves and depths of the land below, so that myrrhclan could thrive. When they no longer needed her, the she-cat was gone.

as the clans began to settle into their god given lives, they called upon their goddesses for help and support, and the clans received many blessings through their worship. however, sunkenstar was unbelieving that there was anything a cat no longer with them could do to help myrrhclan. so, she abandoned the sister, and began to lead the clan without the help of some ‘goddess’.

abandoned by all the stars above, myrrhclan's medicine cat, lilyscream finds herself seperated between what she has been taught as a healer, and the words of her leader. although she wants to follow sunkenstar's word that the clan is better off without the stars, when the goddess of the night ascends upon lilyscream, begging her to seek out "paradise" and bring her clan back to it's former glory, lilyscream can't say no. when her involvement with the goddess become larger than lilyscream had ever imagined they would, will she be able to rectify the damages? or will myrrhclan be left in ruins under the harbinger of the night and her desire to destroy the clan she helped create?

she / her

the first medicine cat apprentice of myrrhclan, lilyscream was trained and taught that there was no greater blessing than to be devoted to the night. when sunkenstar denounces their goddess and moves to form a clan away from the stars, lilyscream is one of the first to speak out against sunkenstar. unable to avoid the nagging voices in her head, lilyscream turns away from her clan, and all she has known, garnering the followers she can, hoping to bring the stars back to her and back to myrrhclan.

myrrh of the night
she / her

known by many names: myrrh, the harbinger of the night, the night, this goddess gave her life to the cats who made their homes within her caverns, only to be cast out in disbelief. tireless and emotional, myrrh decided that if they were to turn thier back on her, she would return that favor tenfold. isolating lilyscream, their newly named medicine cat- myrrh gives her the opportunity to restore her clan. all she asked was for the ability to use lilyscream's body to reach the masses. however, myrrh's intentions grow dark, and slowly, pushes her mortal friend to do worse and worse, all in the name of bringing back all that myrrhclan was meant to be.

cat blue feline feral white feraloc orange anthro catoc cream brown furry pink bfdi warriors black warrior cats fluffy object furryoc