


Once a prospering and plentiful city, Aqualora has now been reduced to nothing but city ruins and wildlife. Everywhere you step parasites follow and hide behind lamp posts, bins, buildings, and alleys – hoping to snatch any human unaware and feast on them in peace. The only safe place left is the marsh and ocean as parasites are afraid to enter these two vast paradises, but with everyone gone safety in this world no longer matters. Hidden within the very depths of the city is an archive of strange knowledge and secrets, lost to the reign of the parasites above.



Dark creatures that stalk stores and empty homes, searching for any hopeful signs of remaining humans that they can feast on. There are tons of different types and subspecies of these parasites, each one being unique and having its own abilities.

A whimsical ocean and a withering city, an animals heaven and a humans hell.



A library with a small front store that hides a deep, twisting network of libraries and documents behind a fake bookshelf. It's contents have remained safe from the parasites, but one parasite managed to crawl its way down there and blends into the shelves and books while it waits for humans to come back down there.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


  • With everything gone no rules remain within Aqualora. There are no more people to create laws for.
  • Shamoge makes sure that Jimmy upholds his promises of keeping the Marsh safe however, that is the one rule that he must follow unless he wants to be eaten.


Aqualora’s wilderness is shy and clever, the fish, birds, and mammals hiding away from any sign of humans and watching curiously from a distance. Most of, if not all of, Aqualora’s plants can be eaten and offer helpful abilities to their consumers, and every single fruit, vegetable, and root tastes divine in any dish. Natural disasters don’t seem to harm the wildlife either, even with all the frequent rainstorms that flood forests and beaches, even fires tend to disappear suddenly for unknown reasons.

There are little dangers within Aqualora when it comes to their natural creatures as everything eats fish or plants, but the new parasitic creatures that found their way to Aqualora are extremely deadly and eat humans on sight. They are uninterested in the animals as the animals are unbothered by them, however, parasites stick to the city and don’t dare to enter the marsh or ocean.


Temperate/Cold CLIMATE


Futuristic/Cyberpunk SETTING





The vast city makes up only a third of Aqualora and is filled with tall, blue towers and thousands of neon signs that light up the city at night. Even with the city in ruin, the blue, purple and pink light display is beautiful to see, and even the parasites sometimes stop to gaze over the buildings and streets with wonder. It can be a little confusing to outsiders on how to get around the city as all the winding and twisting glass rails and stairs make the city look like a maze, but once you figure out where everything lies and how the districts work, everything appears very clear and organized.


A connection of well-lit streets and highways fill the city with constant blue light and bring a futuristic feel with the high technology trains that run throughout the city on aerial tracks and glass tubes. Parasites flood these spaces the most and take shelter within the empty trains and stores as humans were most abundant in these places before they ate them all.


The only repaired and functioning building left in all of the city, Jimmy took several dangerous months to gather the needed materials and courage to venture deep into the lethal city and return to his old apartment so that he could rebuild his home and have a safe space. This blue, cyber and coffee themed home is completely parasite free and even wards them away with special talisman that Jimmy researched about and crafted. It’s a lonely home but a comforting one, nonetheless.


The long abandoned and destroyed headquarters of an infamous organization called RDAC. RDAC stands for Research Department for Abnormal Creatures and consisted of secretive staff and agents that investigated local concerns regarding wildlife as well as otherworldly issues and abnormalities. Their main goal was to keep Aqualora’s oceans and marsh pristine but found they didn’t need to as the environments seemed to magically keep themselves clean and the animal populations never faltered. With everyone gone, all that’s left within the building is an archive of lost information hidden among the parasites.


Saltfin Ocean is a massive body of clear, blue water filled with all sorts of fish and diverse ecosystems. Almost all of the ocean is filled with giant coral reefs, but a few areas house forests of kelp or winding caves that house other animals that do not need to rely on the coral to survive. These reefs are primarily filled with purple and blue pigmented corals, but the fish that live there make it a rainbow as they come in all shades of any color. Darker fish tend to live in the depths of the ocean whereas the colorful and brighter fish stay in the reefs or near the surface. The kelp forests are also purple in color but turn red during the winter months.


Aqualora’s marsh is a massive stretch of watery land that encircles what’s left of the city and flows out into the ocean. The water is murky or clear depending on how close to the ocean the rivers or ponds are, but the reeds and underwater plants stay the same throughout all areas. Fewer creatures live in the marsh compared to Saltfin Ocean, but young fish hatch here and hide among the mangroves until it is time for them to travel to the open ocean and plenty of birds fish through the reeds. Saltfin Alligators typically avoid the marsh as their larger prey does not come here, so there is no worry of being snatched and eaten by any massive carnivores. Even the parasites like to avoid this wilderness for some reason.