The Book of Extras

8 months, 30 days ago
5 months, 2 days ago
10 11227

Entry 1
Published 8 months, 30 days ago

A collection of anything extra for all of my worlds - there can be all sorts of information jotted down in here that could be the most random thing or something that might be interesting!

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Mentions of human eating!

The Silent Realm Extras


I. Feast of Death: Crowcairn’s Christmas; just a large, cursed feast that includes many dishes of both human, creature, and monsters from the outer realm on December 25th. During this time the doors are open to any demons or monsters that usually only lurk in the surrounding areas that are not Crowcairn. If Abysiimal has a partner, he will dine alone and spend the day with them, otherwise he will spend the time with everyone else in his massive hall as Abysiimal himself (true form).

II. Halloween: In the Silent Realm, Abysiimal goes all out for Halloween. He always celebrated it in his former life and still adores the decorating, candy, and fun that comes with it. During Halloween, he will cover Crowcairn from head-to-toe with dark decorations, all usually skeletal themed or snake-like in some way, and switches most red items to black and white. The lights are always off all day and night long, and everyone switches to spookier clothing. Abysiimal will spend the day demolishing all sorts of candy and sugary goods, then spend the night hanging out with Mortika or his current partner. Sometimes, he will sneak off to Alucinar to go watch horror movies in a cinema, and no one ever knows how he got so many tickets in one night.



I. Few demons actually celebrate their own birthdays in the realm, and the monsters are unaware that they even have a birthday. Abysiimal quietly celebrates them all regardless of whether they are a demon, monster, or anything else, although he will not celebrate the birthdays of anyone he dislikes. He celebrates by lighting a lucky white candle in that person or creatures name and will sometimes give gifts of jewelry or charms if it’s someone close to him. Abysiimal’s birthday is not celebrated.



I. Demons and monsters in the realm do not keep pets. The only pet that currently exists in the entire realm is Rezazu, Abysiimal’s small serpent that he treasures greatly. The monsters and demons themselves could be viewed as Abysiimal’s pets too, but he does not personally view them as so and will not go out of his way to treat them with love unless he likes them.



I. All travel in the realm is done on foot unless you can catch a ride on a demon or monsters back. Monzoa will sometimes tolerate being ridden more so than the other monsters, but most demons will refuse as they view being ridden or used as a mount as distasteful and embarrassing. Abysiimal has a hidden demon in the realm that he can summon in the form of a horse should someone need a mount, but he would much rather walk everywhere himself or get Nindial to carry him around. When in a hurry though he will turn to flying as Abysiimal to waste no time.



I. The main languages within the realm are Eldritch (mostly only spoken by Abysiimal as his heritage comes from an Eldritch lineage), and demonic scriptures, and many mortal languages. Abysiimal can understand whatever he needs to. Abysiimal uses letters when communicating over long distances, otherwise he just summons whoever he needs to come to him within Crowcairn. The demons of the realm will simply just meet up to speak to each other.



I. The Silent Realm does not have its own form of currency, but Abysiimal can summon whatever kind and however much he needs if he ever does need some cash.



I. The Silent Realm works under a system similar to a dictatorship, just a little or a lot freer. Abysiimal sits at the top of the realm and has full authority over everything and anything that enters his realm but does not interfere or restrict individual lives unless someone has wronged him or challenges him. Abysiimal’s word is law. Beneath him are his advisors that assist and help with problems that are outside of the realm as his power is weaker there. He listens to them frequently and seeks their opinions in all matters big or small. This can even mean desperately asking what flavor of tea to make for that morning. Below the advisors are the demons, which hold a strong place in both the realm and Abysiimal’s heart. These demons act like the patrons of the realm, providing dark energy and necessary meals when Abysiimal is too busy to find food himself. And right at the bottom are the monsters who have no place in the hierarchy.



I. The sun in the realm is small and does not shine as bright as the sun near Earth, but always creates the effect of dawn with its low yellow light. It’s rays are not too warm and make your skin prickle.

II. The moon on the other hand is large and foggy. It rises very quickly which shortens the daytime and does not provide much light during the night because the sun is small and not bright. This moon can be pale grey on normal nights, an eerie blue during exceptionally cold nights, and a glowing red on nights filled with terror or during lunar events. The moons color can affect how the monsters and demons act, making them more agitated when red or blue.



I. Abysiimal is the God of rebirth, wrath, and lust. He is not worshipped as much as he used to be as his hunger for human flesh is far greater than his need to keep followers, but a few cults and random creatures or people still light a candle or leave a gift for him at small, gold-snake decorated alters or rooms. Unlike most other Gods or Goddesses, Abysiimal does not offer anything to his followers. Most that do follow him only do so with greed as they want his hidden abilities, but Abysiimal reserves those for his partners only.



I. There are no illicit substances within the Silent Realm.



I. No one wants anything from the realm so nothing is exported or can be.



I. Joahn has never had a wedding before with any of his chosen partners. He’s experienced weddings before back in Mulgdune but has never thought of having one himself. Abysiimal has no care for weddings as he is only interested in eating humans, but Joahn would most likely be willing if he met someone he truly adored.



I. Funerals do not exist within the Silent Realm; most dead creatures are either left to rot or are eaten by something else. Abysiimal devours only the organs and eyes of his victims, but other creatures or demons finish up the rest.



I. The Silent Realm is one of the oldest realms on the map. It was created by Abysiimal as a realm to serve as his resting place and feeding grounds, and he filled it with strange creatures and demons to entertain himself with when he wasn’t busy eating humans that wandered on in. From the day it was created, nothing has changed in the realm, only the creatures living in it.



I. The Silent Realm is connected to every other realm and city, but it is often unknown to that particular city or realm. The realm itself doesn’t have any personal relations with any of them and is instead feared greatly and avoided at all costs. It is possible to use the Silent Realm to essentially hop from one place to another, but the risk of death is extremely high, and most creatures are not even allowed past the black doors. Abysiimal also does not appreciate others using his realm as a bus stop and will personally seek out and eat anyone that has used it as so and survived.



I. Depth Silk, Night Hide



I. The Silent Realm doesn't have any known brands or similar organizations, but you can find a few items like books and collectables from other realms well-known stores on Joahn's shelves.