


Odume is a vast, freezing wilderness. These snowy wastelands are home to many feral creatures that all have a disdain for humans, particularly the carnivorous ones that take it upon themselves to eat whatever humans they do stumble across within their homes. Not everyone here is hostile however, and some have their doors open to any wandering travelers looking for a cup of tea and a warm place to stay, regardless of liking humans or not. The warmest parts of the forest is where the friendliest villagers live, far away from those that have been taken by violence and corruption.

There are more dangers here besides the residents, particularly the wild cats and wyverns that roam the ice and forests in search of easy meals. Campers are also in danger as Kruazan citizens like to claim their victims from these cold lands, so many signs can be seen warning people to return home before nightfall to avoid being kidnapped or killed. Despite the deadly environment, Odume is a beautiful land to visit and see.



Odume is composed of animal citizens that have the ability to speak human languages or are mythical in some way. Each and every one of them hates humans, either because of personal reasons or just simply because they are a part of their diet, but not everyone acts aggressively towards them.

Take care traveler, not every creature here welcomes you. Or your human ways.



A secluded group of mountain livers that are usually goats or have the features of a goat, this group is a cult under the following of Twilight. Instead of worshipping, her followers collect knowledge for her and deliver news to her personally, but also make sure she is protected and safe within her hidden home.


A deep cave filled with frosty water and hanging icicles that shatter with the slightest movement. At the deepest points of the freezing water are large colonies of precious rubies that hide away in the dark, guarded by Hanumun who does not allow anyone to swim near them.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


  • Any residents within Odume cannot eat other residents and if they are caught they will be banished. Humans are free game for those that wish to hunt them, but anyone against it can, and will, protect any targets.


Almost every animal in Odume is dangerous in some aspect, the only exception being the small rabbits that run around the trees when its warmer. There are no deadly plants however, and Odume even has some of the best wild grown vegetables and fruits compared to all other cities. Heavy blizzards make Odume rather difficult to navigate safely through, especially because these sudden storms are very unpredictable and last hours on end. No carnivorous wildlife is present during these storms though, but the risk of freezing to death or tumbling off a cliff from low visibility does not outweigh the chances of not being eaten.


Freezing CLIMATE


Forestcore SETTING





A hidden cave on the side of Snowfurrow Mountain leads to a massive dip in the ground that opens up into a vast ice cavern. This cave stretches deep underground into the very depths of Odume, so much so that the cold starts to disappear and the snow can no longer be seen from the darkness. On natural nights this cave is completely desolate with no trace of anything within it, but during auroras the cave emits a blue light that reveals its location from far away; and upon entering the cave there are sudden peach trees that weren’t there before, and a fresh blanket of snow covers the entire rocky floor.


The once abandoned farm that was rebuilt by Kiba after he had stumbled across it. Surrounding the farm are several acres of trees and plots where fluffy, white chickens run around, as well as a few stables for wyverns and cows. Kiba doesn’t really like having visitors here so most of the time it is empty and quiet except for the sounds of the animals.


These forests are home to anyone else living in Odume and make a great place to visit and explore during calm winter days. The trees blossom with fruits in the spring and invite a surplus of animals to graze on the spoils the forest has to offer. The only real danger here is potential frostbite or hypothermia, and sometimes the cats that lurk behind the trees.


A popular lake to fish in or spot travelling deer. The ice isn’t quite stable enough to support heavy creatures, so it also makes a great escape spot when running from a wyvern.


The freezing and treacherous cliffs of Odume are the breeding grounds for their unique wyverns and home to stealthy cats that stalk in the deep snow. Avalanches are frequent in the mountains and often the falling snow breaks the ice of the lake below, disrupting fishing and ice crossings for all sorts of creatures.