


Alucinar is a vibrant, pink city filled with equally bright citizens and lots of opportunities. Almost every building is built out of a sturdy, pink marble with dark materials to contrast the bright lights from signs, lanterns, and spotlights. The streets are also made out of a reflective marble, but also glass in certain areas – creating a modern feel everywhere you walk. As many large creatures live alongside the humans here, the streets and alleys are fairly wide and allow room for flight too. Mostly you spot various dogs trotting along, but a few mythical creatures can be seen through windows or escorting other important individuals through the bustle of the city.

Unlike the nearest city, Izar, the citizens here pay little attention to one another when out and about; only stopping to chat with anyone they know or run errands, being new in Alucinar can be rather rough for the first few months of your stay. Large events like parties or other social gatherings are common and usually gets others to interact with strangers, so many bars and restaurants operate in similar ways and are very open.



Alucinar is flowing with famous individuals, mostly models and fashion gurus, but other professions are present too.


The upper class are prestigious individuals with bounties of money and power within Alucinar.


Middle class is the lowest class in Alucinar, simply because anyone with less income couldn’t afford to stay in the city.

A bittersweet heaven to those who can afford it, a bustling hell for those that can’t.



One of Alucinar’s colleges for magic, this campus focuses on darker magic and abilities for witches, sorcerers, necromancers, and anyone else wishing to hone their skills. The staff team are incredibly strict, and it is very difficult to gain access to this school without proof of using your magic for good.


A high-class institute for assassins, this school has varying classes to be completed and all sorts of degrees to be earned. Most classes last for several years and barely anyone makes it through the tight system, but the ones that do become formidable fighters and move on to professional fields of work.


Alucinar is widely known for its fashion scene, and this boutique is one of the top and most cutthroat group of designers, sewers, and advertisers you will ever meet.


A very pink nightclub that is well known and popular throughout Alucinar. It is often crowded for parties or for fun nights out, but becomes more calm during the day or early hours.


A very fancy and white-painted restaurant that is always filled up with guests around its quaint tables. Booking a table is nearly impossible unless you book months out in advance, but many say that the long wait is worth it.


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  • Crime is forbidden within the city of Alucinar and is quickly dealt with exile rather than prison time. There are some instances where Alucinar’s lesser criminals are sent to Izar for their sentence, but anything considered major is met with extreme consequences.
  • Alucinar has licenses for assassins and hitman alike, but no hits or contracts are to be done within the city itself, and identification is required upfront when travelling or visiting any stores or institutions related to these jobs.
  • Housing options are limited within the city, and inability to pay rent or taxes on time sees any residents quickly moved out so that others can move in.


Alucinar’s mountains are filled with various light-colored plants that create a wide range of habitats for the few animals that live there. Most of the animals are herbivores as there are so few, and the most major carnivore, being the Shade Bear, has quite the easy life compared to other carnivores in nearby worlds. Few people explore the mountains as almost all of it is private or owned land, but there are a few trails that are open to the public.

Alucinar is a very windy city, the highest wind speeds occuring during the warmest summer days and the coldest winter nights. Sometimes there are heavy storms that sweep across the city, but no major damage occurs aside from an unexpected crash of thunder from above that scares someone witless.


Temperate/Cold CLIMATE


Modern/Futuristic SETTING





Alucinar’s city is a crowded and loud place to be with the streets never being empty of people or cars. You can find all sorts of luxurious and lavished stores around the city, as well as some equally eccentric people that live there. Creatures tend to be fewer around the city, but you can frequently see some flying above to avoid traffic below or hanging around stores looking for things to buy. One of the most prominent things about the city is its malls and shopping districts. Outsiders from all sorts of different worlds or realms will travel to Alucinar for a week or two of shopping when given the chance, or just for a getaway in this pink world. The city is also fairly fashion oriented and a great place for models and retailers. Within the city are several apartment districts where everyone lives, though these suits are quite expensive and difficult to claim as many people try to move into Alucinar all the time.


Alucinar’s mountain ranges are very pristine and beautiful to look at. These dark and pastel mountains offer great camping and hiking trips to anyone who can withstand a cold night and allow people to see the various pink and purple animals that live here. Some of Alucinar’s richer citizens have homes here in the mountains so they can avoid the bustle of the city below, or possibly avoid unwanted attention.


These beaches aren’t as enjoyable as Aqualora’s waters are, but they still provide a fun day of swimming or sailing for any who want that experience. The waters house a few different fish and mammals but otherwise are mostly empty and devoid of life because of the water’s pink qualities.


A dark passage in one of Rose Cities alleyways leads to a locked door that shows a twisting, black staircase beyond its chain links – revealing a dark world that exists beneath the rosy city. These underground halls are any resident from Kruazo’s favorite place to roam and wreak havoc above, but also offer a quick escape to the Void Express if things get dicey.