


Kovara is an afterlife filled with Eldritch beings that roam and live within its multi-colored lands. The animals here are far and few and were humans or creatures that were killed in other worlds. Outsiders that did not die are susceptible to a special condition called Hell Blindness, which is contracted when a live person or creature stares directly at any of the Eldritch beings here. There is no known way of safely accessing this realm without having to die, but a few necromancers have found a way of carefully trapping someone’s soul which enables them to periodically visit Kovara until they are killed by one of the Eldritch beings, sending them back to their original body in the mortal world.



Colossal creatures that roam the afterlife in search of animals to eat or places to bestow their fountains of knowledge upon, these beings view themselves as higher than others and spare little time talking to mortals. Some have human forms that do not afflict others with Hell Blindness, but many stay as massive beasts among the trees.


The dead that were transported here take on the form of any herbivore, usually deer, rabbits, or sheep, grazing on the plentiful grasses or walking along with the Eldritch, wishing for company and seeking comfort. None of the souls here are tainted in any way and cannot become vengeful.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.



A dark cavern hidden in the Sparkling Forest that leads to a massive cave filled with strange, purple and black tentacles that writhe around and stab into anything that they can. The bottom of the pit is filled with jagged rocks and crystals that beat like heartbeats in the dark.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


  • There are no known rules or laws within the afterlife of Kovara, only natural laws the world itself takes care of.


Kovara is a circle of land surrounded by an endless void of treacherous water, keeping all inland as those that enter the water drown from the creatures below. There are thousands of different plants sprouting all around Kovara in their various purple, green, blue, and pink shades, and hundreds of different exotic foods can be found hidden all around the lush land.




Eldritch Horror SETTING

Natural Order GOVERNMENT

Extreme for the living THREAT LEVEL



The surrounding water is pristine and filled with deadly tentacles that camouflage themselves against the kelp or reeds. These tentacles will lurch towards anything they hear on the surface, either snatching a small creature or receiving a nasty gash from an eldritch being. The only creature these tentacles do not attack, and even guide through the water, is Qaemae. The lake itself sinks down for miles before opening up into a pitch-black void filled with bright blue jellyfish.


A purple, green, and comfortable forest that many eldritch beings like to rest or hide in. This area is very busy and packed with hundreds of different plant species, but few animals venture here to preserve the greenery for its residents to feed on and to avoid drowning in the floods. Massive thunderstorms will cover the forest and flood the area so that all the plants can drink and feed on the delivered nutrients, and the aquatic beings can travel through easier to get to a different part of the realm. Jellyfish also appear during these floods and sift through the water as they watch the underwater forest go by.