The Silent Realm



A dark and treacherous place filled with monsters and whispers that lure humans in further. This realm can only be accessed by the tall, black doors that appear in random locations come midnight in other worlds or realms. These doors are meant to be thin to keep unwanted creatures from entering and only allowing Abysiimal's prey, humans, to easily get through to the realm.

Inside the realm are several different mini realms that connect together via the Hallways, a vast and twisted section of the realm that can take the form of any room or place. These mini realms are filled with all sorts of dark creatures or spirits that lurk and endlessly search for anything to feed on – especially humans that enter the realm. All of these mini realms feel strangely cold or uncomfortable to stay in, Crowcairn offering minimal comfort and the Hallways feeling the worst to wander in. There are no seasons within the realm, and weather doesn’t seem to exist here either, however, sometimes you can see rain from the windows of Crowcairn and the Quiet-Fog Forest has its downpours once every so often. There is no obvious reason as to why this realm exists or how it can continue to exist with its acclaimed God, Abysiimal, not receiving much worship or power from outside sources, but to many demons and creatures it’s a safe space to get a snack and find peace while walking the dark passages.



Any lucky mortals that withstand Abysiimal's alluring powers are spoiled and coaxed into retrieving dangerous artefacts for Abysiimal before he grows bored with giving them endless attention, which is when he turns them into a Black Dat; one of his endlessly loyal and obsessed with him beasts that protect and guard Crowcairn at all costs.


Only certain creatures that can crawl into the realm and avoid being eaten by the other various monsters are known as demons. These beings serve no purpose other than granting more attention and gifts to Abysiimal and are cast out as soon as they slip up somewhere or deeply anger him.


The only other creatures that lurk here are considered monsters, their only purpose is to eat and fill the realm with terror.

Tread carefully my friend, lest you be stolen by the shadows.



The Shadow Court is Abysiimal's closest companions that guard his presence with their lives, but also offer others to socialize or spend time with if he does not currently have someone to eat or amuse himself with.


Deeply Devoted is a group of cultists in Kruazo and some other areas that still worship Abysiimal in hopes of obtaining his power and graces, although even now they are still looked upon with nothing more than simple amusement by Abysiimal. Despite this, he continues to tease the group and sometimes does bestow little gifts on them when he's feeling nice.


A group of well-known monsters throughout the Silent Realm that outsiders are well aware of and have even created tales and other stories about. All of these monsters are abnormal from the other ones that are born in the realm and possess either strange traits or different abilities.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec orci a risus laoreet faucibus vitae sit amet nisi. Praesent vestibulum placerat ultricies.


  • There are no rules in this world, only forbidden areas that would earn any trespassers a slow death should they go against Abysiimal's wishes.
  • Humans are not allowed to be hunted until Abysiimal deems them too foul to devour or decides he is not hungry, then it is a free for all as to who gets to eat.


There isn't much nature to the Silent Realm, although the only forest that exists there is filled with plenty of diverse plants that are all equally deadly in some manor. Cold rain frequently arrives in the realm, adding sorrow to the ghastly atmosphere. The rain can be seen from any windows in the Hallways or the X Hospital and falls within the Quiet-Fog Forest and outside of Crowcairn.




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A deep, dark cavern with cold walls covered in candles and carved-out bookshelves containing all sorts of eerie books and other strange collectables. All throughout the hall are lavished, spiral staircases that zigzag around to every cave wall to make everything accessible for things that cannot fly or are too small to reach everything. Along the staircases and stone floors are long, black carpets covered in strange sigils that radiate feelings of unease and cast whispers to those who are not allowed to be in here. The entrance to this massive cavern is a simple, black door that connects directly to Crowcairn via some black magic spell that connects the two seamlessly. Abysiimal uses this cavern to store all his collectables and retrieve information on just about anything, although he also sometimes hides away amongst the many books when he needs to be alone. Anyone foolish enough to set foot or paw in here sets off the whispers that alert Abysiimal so he can immediately stop anyone from snooping or exploring the many strange texts that are not meant for mortal eyes. If he catches random humans or creatures in here, he eats them, but if he catches a demon or known being in here he will either cast them out or harshly punish them with death. Except Jimmy, he just gets a little annoyed but quickly shoos him out and finds him something to do or entertains him to make him forget about it.


A rundown hospital building that connects randomly to the Hallways and can be entered should the Hallways decide to send you there. The once white walls are now a blood-spattered brown red covered in claw marks and sharp shards of glass that got stuck from the impact of nearby shattered doors or windows. The floors are a hazard to walk across as many dangers lay dormant on them, such as sleeping monsters, used syringes, sharp medical tools, and more shards of glass waiting to be stepped on. As if it wasn't already hard enough to traverse here, the building itself is in pitch darkness with only the various call lights and a few bulbs still flickering here and there. The X Hospital is one of Abysiimal's favorite places to search or pursue his prey in as the terrain makes for some riveting chases. He doesn't like having Jimmy here as there are too many different diseases or ailments he could contract simply from a fall or touching something.


A liminal space where most of the monsters and demons lurk, waiting for any signs of humans to show up so they can feed. The hallways themselves can be almost anything; kitchens, rooms, random corridors, known places, strange dream-like scapes, or even memories played back to those who walk them. Despite what room or theme the Hallways has chosen to bring you to, it is always tainted in some way and filled with gore and creatures. Only the Hallways can decide when to let you go or where to take you, and each step can either lead you closer to a desirable location or only take you deeper into the terror. This is the first place anyone sets foot or paw into when entering the Silent Realm, and it connects to everywhere else in the realm. Abysiimal can go anywhere freely, using the Hallways or not, but others must traverse it to move around.


A fog-filled and quiet forest where you can only see a few feet in front of you and can barely hear the roaming monsters around you. The trees are a dead birch or maple, the bases covered in black plants with poisonous properties and sweet smells that tempt you to eat them. Dotted around the black grass are many puddles or ponds of equally black water that is freezing to the touch, but the orange flowers that grow from the shallow depths emit heat and make the water bearable to submerge in. Almost no humans wind up here as it is almost impossible to reach these calmer trees from the Hallways, so Abysiimal uses it to relax and unwind in but also takes Jimmy here for tea parties and cuddles. He will also push Jimmy in the ponds when he gets annoyed or angry with him, leaving him in the icy water and to walk back to Crowcairn by himself.


The heart of the Silent Realm, this is the living place of Abysiimal and the most dangerous area for outsiders to end up in. It can be entered via the Hallways and holds a glowing appearance compared to the rest of the realm with its red, gold, and black interior filled with all sorts of snake-themed decorations and furniture. Crowcairn itself is one massive manor filled with all sorts of rooms, but the upstairs is most notable as this is where Abysiimal escorts all of his victims. The only humans (and humanoid) that are allowed to set foot in here without being eaten are Jimmy, Mortika, and Novalu - everyone else is put into a deadly trance and follows Abysiimal to their demise.


Beneath Crowcairn lies a dusty, snake-filled dungeon that doesn't really get used. In the old ages, this dungeon was used for various rituals and sacrifices, but the endless supply of humans began to dwindle and Abysiimal soon grew bored with waiting for his prey to come to him. Sometimes he takes Jimmy down here, but otherwise sees no use for the large area.