> > > > > RULES < < < < <

 It is a purge due to my urge need of money and the fact I were not using any of those characters since more than a year. If you are the creator of one of those designs and you wish to get it back to you instead of seeing me selling it, I'll be glad to give you the rights on the character back, just contact me on discord or instagram ! 

- Please contact me on discord or Toyhouse if you are interessed in one (or more) of those characters, I am way more active on didi than TH, but I'll still check sometimes if there is offers, Discord : ninnoibat (discord) 

- First come first serve

- I will not change any of the prizes for any reasons 

- If some designers or creators have their account deleted on the site, I am really sorry but I will not be able to give you a proper credit :(