

Welcome to NoctisCastle, where characters without a home are fostered by the Kitsune Niny and the demonic cat Rain

The little ones are divided into the various rooms of the castle, where they can bond with each other and wait to be adopted by a next owner. 

dcpcob7-95a8d7e5-0511-4c18-b9ac-3520868aGif by kouenli (Black-Candlabera)

What system is the castle based on?
Basically, the castle uses the barter system (trade system), where characters are donated to receive an amount (corresponding to the number of donated characters), 
to be spent later to adopet new characters.
The currency used are chocolate cookies decorated with a rose on both neds: chocolate roses.
Click chocolate roses to check how many cookies you have.

All characters you find here are non-FCFS: if someone doesn't follow the adoption requirements, another person can adopt the character.

Are there any characters who can't see the castle doors?
Characters created via dollmakers (picrews are dollmakers) and AI, without any added drawings, or with only doodle or meme images, i.e. drawings that show nothing different from the base image.
Characters created simply by filling the spaces of the bases with the bucker and some spots for the patterns.
Profiles without images.
Characters with private profiles.

To check the ocs that are in the castle looking for a home, just click on the room indicated here.

Characters can be donated, redesigned and both.

When the request is successful we will reply with the moon emoji "🌕" , 
otherwise, if the request has some shortcomings, 
we will reply with some clouds "🌫️" , with the reason for the decline attached.

✩ The donation
For each character sent, you will get a chocolate roses

  • To donate a character, please indicate your username without the tag at the beginning, therefore without the "@" sign:
    don't write @pencilcase4, instead write pencilcase4.

  • Indicate the right amount of characters you want to transfer.

  • Once you have chosen, list the links of the characters to send (or the link in the case of only one character), one after the other.
    If you want to link an entire folder, please write that it is a folder.


    I would donate 4 ocs
    Link, link, link, link

    ★Redesinigning characters

Guide to chocolate roses obtained through redesign
Simple colored headshot ----> 1 chocolate roses
Simple colored halfbody ----> 2 chocolate roses
Simple colored fullbody ----> 3 chocoloate roses

Detailed colored headshot ----> 4 chocolate roses
Detailed colored halfbody ----> 5 chocolate roses
Detailed colored fullbody ----> 6 chocolate roses

Bases are allowed

  • To redesign a character, choose the one that most intrigues you, 
    or those that most intrigue you among those with the pencil symbol (✎).

  • Once chosen, comment on the character with an emoji of your choice.
    That character, therefore, cannot be adopted until the new image.
    The time available to you is three weeks.

  • Once finished, indicate your username, the number of redesigned characters, 
    the emoji thet you have used for them all, and link the finished work.

    I've redesigned 2 characters
    Put the emoji that you have used (🦋) 
    Link and link

    ✮ The adoption
    For each completed adoption, you will spend an equal amount of chocolate roses.

  • To start the adoption procedure, you must indicate your username.

  • Then write down how many chocolate roses you have.

  • After that, the precise number of characters to whom you intend to give a new home.

  • Then, add the link of each character.

  • Finally, you will have to indicate three different things (not all are mandatory, but two are): 
    the reason why you want to adopt that character (or more), 
    the name you will give to them (not mandatory) 
    and the personality (at least two traits, explained briefly, but explained). 
    All in at least three sentences.

    We follow the rules of grammar, whereby a sentence is delimited by a period at the end. 
    If no dots are seen at the end of the sentence, the writing will be classified as a single sentence.

Hello, i have 3 chocolate roses
 I would love to adopt 2 characters
Link and link

I was thinking of taking Link into a world of my own invention, and giving him the role of librarian. He will be a gruff but empathetic Avian. He won't be at all happy when you say good morning, but if someone shows up in need of help, he will be very understanding. He or she might even start telling stories of the past, just to make the other person's fear go away.

While for link I had thought about a career as a painter. Their great passion is nature, and they enjoys painting woods, they also loves studying trees that have now gone through their entire existence, given their melancholy side. But at the same time they studies the green meadows in full spring for their hopeful side, which pushes them to think about an enormous life cycle that brings everything back to where it belongs.

Donation of chocolate roses

It could happen that some people find themselves with lots of chocolate roses, 
and not knowing what to do with them, they could decide to donate them to someone who unfortunately doesn't have them.

So, is someone who owns a lot of chocolate roses automatically a donor? 

It's free to choose, and just let us administrators know via the chocolate roses room, 
just comment that you would like to become a donor, and we will add the title of the same name next to your name.

At that point, if someone wants to adopt a character but doesn't have enough biscuits (remember that chocolate roses are biscuits), 
they can ask a donor for a donation. 
All they need to do is comment below the same person's request to be a donor with the number of chocolate roses.

You can ask for a maximum of two chocolate roses per week.

feral unicorn red panda moon anthro brown gem blood green Paraghostie night steven universe bloodmoon LFS starry SU furry ghost