NoireNambu's Bulletins

Fishraptor CYO Event!

Posted 23 days, 6 hours ago by NoireNambu

YOOO!! It's been a minute. But look at these cute lil guys!

Species Launch

Posted 5 months, 29 days ago by NoireNambu

✧ Artfight ✧

Posted 10 months, 5 days ago by NoireNambu

✧ I can be found at NoireNambu on AF! ✧
See you all there!


Posted 1 year, 6 hours ago by NoireNambu

Shiny new profile layout~ 😘🔪

I'm tired.

Posted 1 year, 11 days ago by NoireNambu

Look, I really don't know how else to say this, so I'm just going to put it out there into the ethos... I'm tired. I'm tired of people feeling like they have any right to judge others for their fandoms, their ships, and/or their characters.

Now, I get that this is the internet and you have to handle everything with kid gloves on, lest someone come along to twist your meaning: of course there are some things that are empirically not okay. That's not what I'm talking about here, so just stop - I'm talking about 'ew I don't like these two characters smooching, it makes me feel some kind of way so I'm gonna write home about it!'  ...Just, quit that. Please. It's not your place to control what others like or don't like.

Generally speaking, I'm a friendly and happy person. Or at least I try to be. Depression and social anxiety are a hell of a thing, but I do my best.

I work a respectable job, I have wonderful friends and family (both irl and online) - and I have the most amazing partner. Someone who genuinely cares for, and understands me a way that - sadly - I think few people will ever get to experience in life: we are so compatible, and so well suited for one another... I adore Evios with every fiber of my person, and I know that those feelings are mutually reciprocated. Between him, and our little kitty furbabies, I couldn't ask for a more perfect home. Which is why it's wild to me that people feel the need to insert their outside opinions and/or speculations into any of it.

So, what am I writing about here? I'll cut to the chase:

I'm completely aromantic. But beyond that, I am romance repulsed. That is to say, I don't like contemporary romances; I don't like overly-cute things. I don't like overly-sweet ships. ...I just can't vibe with it. One could even say they often make me incredibly uncomfortable. I didn't ask to be this way - I just am.

So sure; I will acknowledge I'm naturally drawn to some pretty unconventional, or 'problematic', ships - if that's your take on anything deviant. I grew up on horror. My whole family did; We're horror scifi game and comic nerds. My parents met and bonded over D&D and Star Wars and LoTR for crying out loud. R L Stine &  Stephen King were household staples for reading material. I think I must have watched Alien, and IT, and Dawn of the Dead, and a host of other horror flicks by like, age 7 or so? And things like Resident Evil,  Silent Hill, and The Walking Dead (comics & TV series) brought me together with my siblings. Combine a love of horror together with being aro (romance repulsed) and being a bit of a kinkster... and sure. You get a recipe for someone with a taste for the weird.

But you know what? It's fiction. It's not real. The characters involved are literally just that: characters. And I just cannot, for the life of me, understand how it is anyone else's business... Chances are, after all, that I do not even TALK TO YOU about my ships! Because I know that I am annoying (read: autistic), and hyperfixate, so I talk way too much about my favorite things. Outside of literally a small handful of individuals (Evios, RocketShipDown, and one or two of my discord pals) I do not trust myself not to just go on and on like a tedious little goblin. I'm acutely aware I only have one braincell™.

But if you're going to stalk my TH for personal sonas/CS iterations of characters and/or ships that you don't like, and  then go vague post publicly about it - I'm sorry, I'm not the problem here: It's you. I use the mature tags and cw anything that I think could make someone else uncomfy. I am quite meticulously about it - probably even to the point of being a little over-zealous - because I want to ensure I'm being considerate. I am seriously minding my own business here. But if you don't like my characters, or iteration of a character, or my sonas, or my ships, or whatever... You don't have to stalk me, and the art I draw/commission, just so that you can sit and thumb your nose about how much it upsets you. There is a character block  feature on TH - just utilize it instead. Otherwise you're basically doing the internet equivalent of spying through your neighbor's window and getting pissed about what they've got running on the tele.

Or, as a friend of mine put it:


You're just being that guy.

So I'll say it clearly, about Evios and I: we like WeskChris (& WeskBirkin), we like BBKaz, we like HankCon, we like Reed900, we like BatJokes, we like Rhack, and we like Hannigram.

These our hyperfixative ships which we pair, together, that someone at some point or another has taken issue with. We also have our own personal sonas themed off of, like, idk... all of them? Evios and I both like our rivals/hateships, and our enemies-to-lovers, we both like spice (blood, horror, violence, etc), and we both like our tragedies & star-crossed romances (where one, if not both parties, are doomed to some wretched ending). Neither one of us really care if what we like is your bag or not - All of our ships are of consenting adults, who are sentient, sapient, and cognizant of what they're doing. All of our ships are of the same, or a compatible, species type (monster lovers over here, okay you caught us). All of our ships are to make us happy, and we relate to them in our own way.

I'm in my 30s now. I've been married for 7 years (and partners for 9 years) to a man who's been my friend since high school. We've been together long enough that we know what the other is about. Neither of us condone things like actual violence/domestic-abuse/murder, etc so forth and whatever. Honestly, wtf is wrong with people that this is where your mind even goes to? Keep speculations about who I am offline, and how my relationship looks like, or what you think I'm okay with, out of your mouth. My ships are not a bar for my moral caliber.

I know for like 99.9% of my watchers this bulletin probably sounds completely unhinged and unprovoked. 
If  that's the case, and you're sitting here scratching your head about  what happened, please understand: I'm genuinely not talking to you. And I'm not talking to the friends who have reached out just to make sure I am okay with respect to art/content either; I know that people get worried when they see what might be interpreted as vent art or something. I'm very grateful to you for checking up on me. That's not what I'm referring to.

I'm specifically referring to the tired number of DMs and/or public call-outs over the years, implying that since my ships are 'abusive' (their read, anyway) that I must be abusive too - despite not having the first clue about who I actually am irl. There have been a number of individuals who have made it their specific goal try to dictate/manipulate the type of content that hubby and I engage with and I am just so done with that behavior. I'm just so done. I'm so done being afraid to submit art, or change my discord DP/handle around, because I don't want to upset someone. I'm done crying over feeling "broken" or like people will think I'm "a bad person" for being aromantic & romance repulsed. I'm not doing it anymore. I'm so DONE with that.

So new rule: If I don't talk to YOU about a character, you don't get to come at ME about them. You can have beef if I overstep myself in talking directly to you, certainly - and chances are I will probably apologize if I make you in any way uncomfortable. But you don't get to guilt trip and shame a neurodivergent autistic chronically-depressed aro trans dude and his husband - FOR THEIR ROMANCE AVERSION/REVULSION - over what is tantamount to playing with their favorite virtual dolls, in their own private corner of the internet. We can ship what makes us happy.

TLDR: Don't like? Don't look. Sorry, not sorry. 💅✨

Just as a notice, for right now I've put a number of my characters onto a super private and restricted authorized list. Don't be wounded if you didn't make the cut. I'll probably be adding more later, but for RN it's hubby and I and basically that's it.

I don't want to be as hurt as I am but I am. The truth is I'm hurt. I'm very hurt. Plain and simple. This has been going on for far too long now. I try exceptionally hard to make sure I don't set things where someone who doesn't want to see them can see them can just wander in. I just want to do my own little thing, and if other people DO like it then cool! They can comment and fav and it makes me so fuckin' happy. But if people are going to get upset over things that I ship, with my hubby - something that doesn't involve ANYONE ELSE IN THE SLIGHTEST? - I'm just not having it anymore, frankly. I'm so over it.


Posted 2 years, 4 days ago by NoireNambu

Hey, if you dig cute humanoid species, why not check out these guys?
Love seeing a "rabbit on the moon" species concept around! So cute! U(•ㅅ•)U

Lomguli MYO Event

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by NoireNambu

Hoodmakka MYO Event

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by NoireNambu

MYO Thang

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by NoireNambu
Join if ya wanna, though it ends tomorrow ha ha.
I'm sorry y'all, I gotta grind for that uncommon trait.  ¯\_(ツ)_/

Hi I'm gay

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by NoireNambu


...That is all.