
PENDEOGEN : This folder contains all of Noire Nambu's characters relevant to the overarching headworld/species.

"Pendeogen, or pendeos, are a race, or ethnicity of people. Though much different from other ethnic groups; they are still almost identical to regular people. A few specific physical characteristics and behavior differences is what categorizes them from the norm.  This race  has a biological need for certain substances, possessions, or  activities. Such things as; videogames, caffeine, cigarettes  (nicotine), computers, (or technology in general), eating, gambling,  sex, shopping, drugs, etc. They are a breed of people creating their own category. A race coping from a genetic dysfunction." - Jubilations

[Pendeogan species & concept belong to Jubilations on DA.]

To learn more about the species, please visit the group on DA:


PLEASE NOTE : All characters found within this folder will absolutely NEVER be up for sale or trade, unless I have moved them into a trade/sell folder. They are forever homed. So please, don't ask.