Nolarri's Bulletins


Posted 6 months, 6 hours ago by Nolarri

Howdy! Since it has been a while since I last used the site, and slowly coming back to my hyperfixations on OCs, I've decided to move to a new account.
Nothing happened, and here are the reasons why I'm doing this in the first place:
> Some character designs have changed to the point their old profiles are near completely different designs, and I'd rather remake them now.
> My old gallery was and is a mess, and after trying to work on it many times I lost all interest so this serves as a brand new start to make it look appealing.
> Old profile has some older art pieces linked to me as the artist, and my perfectionist ass keeps on looking at it and cringing (I'm sorry lmao, it iz what it iz)

As of right now the old profile, onisoup remains active as a character archive until I can sort all the OCs it has, it'll be abandoned after with a link to this one.
It'll be a while of working on this account until I'm happy with it, but fingers crossed I can have a space I enjoy again ;~;