I call this canon the Canon-In-Which-The-Zhagenbi-Exist. This canon is set in our world, with a very limited magic system that revolves around manipulating parts of one's body. This type of magic, called bodily magic, is hereditary and evolved spontaneously in humans and some other animals (no one knows how or when). Only a fraction of a percent of the global human population has it, but some populations have an unusually large percentage of hereditary magic-users. The Zhagenbi people are one such population, with about 50% of them having at least one form of hereditary bodily magic. They are traditionally semi-nomadic and probably originated somewhere in eastern Europe, but they have spread out all around Europe with diasporas in North America and Asia. Their language, also called Zhagenbi, is a language isolate. Most of the characters in this folder are ethnically Zhagenbi.

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