NorthFoxx's Bulletins

Wishlist for the SS event

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by NorthFoxx

Hey all you beautiful people!

First time participant here so I have no expectations and just enjoying the whole ride, excited to spread some joy and be part of this fun event! No stress, no fuss so I hope whoever ends up being my Secret Santa won't be panicking in any way :D You cool, I'll love anything coming my way~

That being said I also want to make this a bit easier by putting some thoughts down of things I prefer and things I'm not really excited about:

 Character preferences:
- Top 3 to get art of would be; Taj, Grim & Kobal

Thumbs up:
- first and foremost I'd be excited to get art of the characters in my SS folder; large art, busts, icons, pixels, colored sketches etc
- interaction pieces are always fun, as long as they remain clean! Especially Abeia & Susashi are from same magical realm and would be natural buddies hanging out :D

Thumbs down:
- I'm not super into heavily holiday season themed art, so my characters in little Christmas hats or in those lines I wouldn't be too excited about. Instead I do enjoy more nature seasons, like winter themes would be delightful!
- turning feral characters to anthros or other way around