NotAHero's Bulletins

upd//pet loss

Posted 5 days, 6 hours ago by NotAHero

So sorry for those commissions that keep getting delayed but currently dealing with pet loss and it’s left me absolutely crushed. the vet bills from it have left us really tight so i am open to taking more commissions, especially stuff like my chibis and icons, it’ll just be a while until i can work on them. it feels so guilt trippy but any donation would be really appreciated too, i can make a sketch or doodle in exchange for it, even if its just a dollar

I'm on sheezy!

Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by NotAHero

my profile is still a massive wip, but its a nice thing to distract myself with while my arm heals. i hope to see more folks i like on there :^)

KO-FI commissions

Posted 3 months, 6 days ago by NotAHero

Could use some help in preparation to pay some medical expenses so I'm opening a few slots :^)

If anyone has any advice on pricing or how to advertise feel free to let me know >_>