Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hold up!


This page may include bright-colored characters, spooky characters, blood, gore, possible nudity, and more. If you are sensitive to some of these things, I advise you to be careful or just not look at this page! I am also a minor! 


✖ DNI if:

✎ ┊You support r*cism, p*dophilia, h*mophilia, NFTs, Z*ophilia, or any topics like these! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME THANK YOU

✎ ┊ You draw or drew NSFW or any of the subjects above

✎ ┊You trace, copy, or steal art/OCs

✎ ┊You compare OCs to other people’s OCs or real characters from movies/shows/books/games/etc. I do not appreciate my OCs I worked hours creating getting compared to other people's OCs, which makes them feel unoriginal and makes me feel like crap.

✎ ┊ You are an overall problematic person

These subjects make me really uncomfortable and you will be blocked and blacklisted if you have done or supported these subjects. 

If someone’s name is on the blacklist it means 1. I will not accept designs or characters by that artist & I will not be making designs or characters for them; 2. I will not be interacting with that person & people they know; 3. I will not talk about this person, and neither should you. All of these people have done something to me and I will not be forgiving them anytime soon. Also, do not give these people any of my designs, if you do I might blacklist you too. I don't want any of these people owning something I made.  If you are friends with these people, I won’t really be mad at you or block/blacklist you, just don’t talk about them around me. But if you attack me because “OH EM GEE THAT'S MY FRIEND YOU ARE BAD”, just piss off, these are people who are bad and have hurt people. Anyway! Please be safe around the following  🤍



👎 no one currently woh rThank you for reading this and I hope your day is swell 🤍

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