
Main / roleplay characters

These are not only my main/most important characters, but the ones i roleplay with the most !! None of them are/will be for offer. So please just dont.


Not mains but still loved

These characters arent really my main ones, but i still love them dearly and will use them for some things, im tent on a lot of them but offers are alright

Closed species

Self explanatory

Like the title says, these are all the closed species characters I own, please do not offer on them.


Working on these

Currently working on stuff for these guys, you can offer but it's unlikely i'll accept or anything.


These guys are for sale

If there's characters here then I have lost connection and willing to sell them, so feel free to offer !!


Side characters!

Please don't offer!!! these are important characters for stories and whatnot!

Toys Grubs Squishy