Nystii's Profile Comments

Your art is INCREDIBLE!

Are trades open?

Ah thank you so much!! And unfortunately not at the moment, work has been keeping me pretty busy, and when I get time for art I like draw adopts 😭 (trying to save up money for something 👀) 

omgg i love ur genshin inspired adopts!! they are so cyute

Ahhh thank you so much!! 🥺❤️

Love ur stuff man! Super cute and cool art, keep it up!!!

Ah thank you so much!! That means a lot to me!! ;v; ❤️

Btw your art is so pretty, keep up the amazing work.

Thankyou so much! 🥺 <333

Hello I'd really like to offer on these guys only if its okay with you

I can only offer art or trades though




Ya sure thing! 

Anyone in tent or ufo interest you for any of them? If not I can do as much art as you want for all

Would you be willing to trade : https://toyhou.se/8922163.tbn

for belle, and soot?
