ObsidianTora's Bulletins

About the requests I'm sending

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by ObsidianTora

If you get a link request from me, don't be alarmed. I'm linking together characters that share some sort of bond. Be them children, siblings, parents, etc. I just want the family ties to be there and the nice thing is I may do art at some point with them together!

A Terms of Service question?

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by ObsidianTora

So I have a question for people here on this community.
If someone has a tos that states: "When it comes to getting designs by me there is more then one term of it! One do not block the Creator. I'm allowed to take the character original design I made back if you break my terms." Can this be legal?

Also my other question, if they blocked you does that mean they voided their terms then? Does this mean I can block them and not fear them stealing my characters from me? I've had to hide my gallery for this very fear. I'm looking for advice about this since I was blocked here by that person. No I am not giving out names or causing drama...I am only asking about the term stated above.