Zillmann's Treasure

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The Zillmanns' Treasure is a story about the adventures of Lidzia and Francik, who are searching for the mythical, lost treasure of the Zillmann cousins, the architects of Nikiszowiec, a estate of the city of Katowice. Their adventure starts with a tour around Nikiszowiec, where they find horizontally flipped hammer and pick on the wall of one of buildings. As it turns out it's not a mistake done during the laying of the bricks, but the first clue to the treasure's whereabouts. Along the way, they met meet a ghost by the name Siegfried Degen, who was murdered in Katowice during the 1930s and – as he tells them – is linked to what the teenagers search for...
The story doesn't only focus on on the search for the treasure, but also the daily lives of Francik and Lidzi, the residents of this antique estate. It's mainly set in Nikiszowiec, however some scenes happen in the Katowice city center, Giszowiec, Janów and Kolonia Wysockiego as well.

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