Sunless Apparitions

Hi, hi, welcome! You’ve all signed up for the tour of The World of Sunless Apparitions, starting right here in New Umbra! Here you’ll learn about the history of this world, its place in the Set, and a few fun facts about the limitations of magic. We’re very happy to have you here! Remember, no food or drink are allowed on the bus at any time for the duration of the tour. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with the tour guide at the front of the bus. With that said—we hope you have a fun trip!


Thank you for coming on the Umbra Canyon Tour! We hope you had a great time on this trip and would be most appreciative of your feedback. You can find the information to leave your comments and other concerns by the booth up at the front. Please remember to take all your personal belongings with you before you exit the vehicle, because we can not guarantee that you can retrieve it otherwise. Remember to watch your step as you leave the vehicle. Thank you!!