Omen's Bulletins

Amoebuds MYO Event

Posted 6 months, 7 days ago by Omen

So a friend of mine is a mod for this species and told me about them and like!! I def recommend checking them out. Already it looks like there's a ton of love with this species and designs, so if you're down for checking something out with unconventional design I say give it a shot ;u;/

Devoma Anniversary

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Omen

If you've been following me you know that I've been making devoma adopts for a hot minute, but they're starting their anniversary event today! It's going to be a month long even with a TON of MYO prizes and free design raffles, so please consider joining!

Devomas has been such a fun experience to be a part of. It's a small community and extremely focused on creating a comfortable art-driven environment. And unlike a lot of other MYOs, there are very, very few rare-tiered traits and there's a LOT of wiggle room in terms of interpretation, allowing creators to really explore just what you can create within the bounds of the universe. If you enjoy a more interactive, world driven community for these kinds of closed species I highly reccommend checking it out ;u;/