OnceUponAMeg's Profile Comments

Hi there! I'd love to buy Nymous if I could! Also, do I see that Bundy is up for sale again on another of your TH accounts as well?

Hey there! I was wondering if I could possibly get a ping or message in the event you ever decide to sell Bundy.

Sure thing! 

What is your Discord? It says to message you on Discord only but there is no Discord tag anywhere? : 0

How much would your bases cost all together if I may ask

Bases are not for sale! However, I am taking recolour orders! 

Ok how much is recolor I see there 2.00 each right?

Dm'd you! 

Nvm I saw some of them ik it not going to be thus month but would you be willing to take 180 $ worth of recolor I know I'm nuts but just question 

Hello ^^ I looked through your free characters and I was wondering of I could grab these 2 babies, I'd love to give 'em a good home and draw 'em https://toyhou.se/62635.sophie-free https://toyhou.se/9832896.victoria-valentine

Their comments were turned off so I didn't knew how to tell you qvq

transfer is pending for Sophie!