Tavan Empire

Space Headworld centered around a race of space 'orcs' known formally as the Tavan, and dragonfolk known as the Talrein.

Important Historical Events:
The Tavan/Talrein war: A violent war instigated by Tchono's grandfather in a vicious attempt to usurp control of the universe from the Talrein. It concluded when Otreus awoke and was commanded to devour the Talrein's home planet. This resulted in the near extinction of the Talrein race.
Swan Song: The mass hiding away of Talrein children in a last ditch effort to save their species.
Coronation Day: The day Tchono was meant to take the crown after his father's death, interrupted by the Megesi invasion that resulted in his mutilation and near death.

The Tavan are split into two classifications, which are technically different species that split off from one another long ago. They cannot interbreed, but they still thrive in the same society and are treated with equal rights. Adoption rates are very high due to interspecies couples between the two.
Tavan-ren are the low orcs, often with larger frames, bigger tusks, and more animalistic faces. Though not bound to any particular class, many choose to fill the roles of soldiers and hard labor workers.
Tavan-hon are the high orcs, much daintier in appearance. Also not bound to a social class, but due to their weaker nature, you'll usually find them working with their brains more than their hands.

Talrein are humanoids that are adorned with the horns, wings, tails, and legs of a dragon, as well as covered in scales in many areas of their bodies. In addition to this, they may assume the form of a full sized dragon at will. They once controlled much of the empire, but a merciless war between the Talrein and the Tavan almost entirely wiped them out. The survivors hid their children away on distant planets in a final act of desperation that would come to be known as the Swan Song. They are heavily discriminated against post-war, and most that are left have learned to take the ability that allows them to shift to their dragon form and reverse it, hiding almost all of their Talrein features and being able to pass for humans.

Talrein are divided into four classifications, each with different abilities.
Shroudscales are masters of camouflage, able to cloak their appearance so as to be nearly invisible to the naked eye. Their scales are always cool colors.
Novascales can superheat their extremities, and are impervious to high temperatures. Their scales are always warm colors.
Bloomscales can transfer their lifeforce into other living things, healing them. Their scales are always near white, in any hue.
Shadescales can steal the lifeforce from other living things and hold it in reserve, making them very hard to kill. Their scales are always near black, in any hue.