Orielyn's Bulletins

Shifting Interests

Posted 2 months, 6 days ago by Orielyn

Anyone that knows me has seen the struggles I've gone through with characters and the like. Here lately my focus has shifted entirely to physical collections (books, enamel pins, felt dolls, trinkets, etc). I just find it much more fulfilling in the long run for myself. 

I gave myself a challenge this year: one large bookshelf in which I can fill it with whatever makes me happy, whether it be books or any of the items named above. I'm gonna stick with it and see what happens. I'm so tired of feeling like everything needs something (icons, stories, etc). Physical items don't feel that way, I purchase what makes me happy, set it up, and stare at how pretty the item or items are. To me that is what I need right now.

Now with that said that doesn't mean I'm giving up completely on my character's collection. There will be some that remain here but most are gonna go to storage. I've enjoyed collecting over the years and the many stories that have come from all my characters but in having Interests shifting in my life, it's time to let go of so much and just settle for those that make me happy and focus on them.

Rearrange + Quick Update

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Orielyn

Rearrange Part:
I'm just in a mood to rearrange things. Not sure if it'll stay or if it's just a fallout from the things going on with deviantART *rolls eyes*
Also can't really say when I'll get started on this (check the quick update for reasons).

Quick Update:
I haven't been real active here lately and part of it is due to having taken a hiatus a few months back and putting my life back in order. The other part is having found a new job that has me working 12 hour shifts most of the week. I am not complaining as the money is good and I haven't been able to breathe like this in YEARS!

That's all I got lol