
Little Sea Side Town :] 1dc2e3b1bb41eedf40edf2623b9fb6d1.jpg

A lively little Town with townfolks living their simple lives, awaiting the day they might get the chance to travel off to adventure! (I am not using them for anything, and I might move some of them to my main TH if I find a use for em).

The Docks ',:I 63cf39f0106d67ca4d79d19c579e114e.jpg

These folks like to watch the ships come by. Watching new characters come in and seeing others go. Unsure if they'd want to leave with the ships or stay in this little town. (Deciding if I should keep these or give them better homes).

Off to New Lands! :D dadb278cc90e9e42ba8d88ff749a3680.gif

These fellas are going off to new kingdoms! Hopefully to have more exciting lives and perhaps get a glowup. (Selling these guys, probably redesigning)

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