Ovija's Profile Comments

sorry to bother, just hoping to get an answer to this ^^ https://toyhou.se/~comments/2065616

i remember offerinf i believe arr on discord, but i dont remember if i ever finished the payment. just tryna figure out if i own him or not, since i found him in some really old files again ^^;

Hey, so sorry i never saw this this is sort of my like? archive now, i'll just transfer them over, i dont plan on reusing them or refurbishing any time soon. in case youre curious though my TH i use moreso is MaxieMcMoon

hey, would you be cool with me making jinx a new ref?

https://toyhou.se/1098932.-baxter hey i remember offering on this guy a long time ago but i cant remember if i completed payment ?? or did smone else nab him ??

hey, do any of my characters interest you for this guy?


if not i’ll add in some art as well.

sorry nothing caught my eye! 

then could i do some art? most of the art on my toyhouse account are pretty old. if not that’s totally fine too!

will you accept art of this guy ?? https://toyhou.se/968539.-3

as in you drawing him or as in youll make art to buy him

make art to buy him

yeah ill accept that for him. can you send me examples? 

mind if i discord ya?

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