wolf girl

my (DISCONTINUED) gachaverse series. theres only 2 episodes but u can find more content on my little brothers channel . you probably shouldnt watch the original it is so fucking cringe just read the summary and imagine it. i originally made the series for my little brother and sister because i noticed they started watching gacha videos and i love them soooo. it was supposed to be like taking gacha tropes and twisting them but it did not work 

the story goes like this:

cocoa is a werewolf girl who lives with her parents and her twin sister vanilla who looks absolutely nothing like her. her parents hate her for being different. vanilla is also mean to cocoa because her parents do it. one day the twins go to a new school and meet new characters (basil & poprock) . cocoa quickly befriends them and they go to class together. they meet more characters (lemon & mint). lemon bullies cocoa because he is a cunt and she transforms into a wolfgirl out of anger in front of the whole class. everyone thinks its awesome but vanilla is embarrassed. after class vanilla yells at cocoa for being a weirdo or something i dont know. poprock stands up 4 cocoa i think? then later cocoa goes home and her mother hits her or maybe her dad does i dont remember this either.

episode 2 poprock is going to school and meets a little girl (creme). creme is looking for her brother so poprock helps her find him (cookie). theyre homeless. poprock goes to school. i dont remember this episode but i thiiink cocoa talks to poprock and basil about what happened the day before and they are pissed off. then they go to class and meet candy heart. after class they meet licorice (candy hearts little sister). nothing much really happens. after school cocoa sleeps at poprocks house (SHE HAS A BUNK BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). very uneventful

i didnt make any more after this point because making gacha videos is surprisingly time consuming and i got a new phone and the quality change was very distracting and i hated it.

after this point i havent thought about what would happen but this is the basics

-something something vanilla redemption arc episode 3 (i got halfway through making ep 3 actually!). vanilla hates being a bitch and she realises she doesnt have to do what her parents say and she can literally just not be such a bitch. she really does love cocoa and cocoa loves her too but its like complicated. but i love making siblings that are besties so yaassssss vanilla goes to apologise to cocoa and she doesnt accept it initially but she will. eventually. also vanilla and cocoas parents take cookie & creme in. 

-something something their parents are arrested maybe w the help of poprock and basil and their friends? vanilla and cocoa are taken in by maybe their aunt or something i dont fucking know. and cookie & creme are adopted by their aunt too.

-at the end of the series their wouldve been a festival. but ONLY because i wanted to dress up the characters really cute. lot of relationship stuff happening here.
    -poprock & cocoa start dating
    -cocoa and vanilla reconcile. from this point on they become BESTIESSS YASSSS but it takes a while
    -licorice stops being a sussy baka or smth and becomes better friends w candy heart (originally she is mean 2 him bc she is goth af and he is a prep)
    -ummm smth about basil i dont knowwww!!!!!!!! i shouldve developed basil more shes my little brothers favourite
    -mint and lemon bffs :)