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The Arcadia Tapestry

Everything is connected...

The Universe is full of strange and wonderful things, like nature, animals, and people. This universe, Arcadia, is exactly like that, but more “out there”, with many peculiar creatures to find, places to explore, magic to discover, and stories to tell. A tapestry that never ends, a story that goes on and on, creating a piece of art incomprehensible to the normal mortal’s eye…

But you are not a normal mortal, are you?

Melody Melee

Let the musical revolution begin!

A world divided by genres, two teenage musicians aim to change the world for the better.

For over 20 years, the people of Arpeggio Archipelago were limited to play the genre of music of the district they were raised in. Until teens Bella and Bea decide enough is enough, where they agree to stick it to the man and spread the word of musical freedom to the districts. With stakes are reaching crescendo, and mystery foes are hiding in the wings, can the duo achieve their goal? Or will their song end before its sung?

Cyberhell Inferno

Hell; right at your fingertips!

With the rapid development of technology in the world, the demons of hell deicde that their best course of action to get more souls is to take their realm digial. Thus, Cyberhell was born, an online multiplayer game that traps it's players with their greatest desires and temptations. Many years went by, and one Caret Pointer discovers the game. Due to not falling to the temptaions, she's free to come and go as she pleases, but she's quite the frequent visitor, as they discover that even the demons themselves are trapped within the game. They plan to help everyone escape, no matter what it takes.

Comet Fallen

The elements of the universe...

In a world of elements, Astrea Umbriel, an amnesiac Celestial Conductor, is thrown off her Comet Train by a group of Star Bandits, and falls to the ground below, landing in the Bijou Borough. With little options, xe decides to make the climb out of the Borough to reclaim xyr train and memories. Astrea will have to reach for the stars, and reach out to new people in the other elemental realms who offer a helping hand as xe makes xyr climb to the Starstruck Station.

Fool's Errand

"I can't play my cards right when the cards ARE TRYING TO KILL ME!"

Sirius is the chosen one! That should be good, right?

Well... no. They're the "Fool", a chosen warrior who must face the Arcana, a group of immortal beings each connected to the Major Arcana. Many Fools have fallen to these beings, and Sirius is supposedly the next to fall... or will they? The Arcana has taken a liking to them... maybe Sirius could change their mind?

Villain's League Network

work in progress

Evil TV Network.

The Hearsay Games

work in progress

A murder game in a birdcage.

Works In Progress

Right on the Tin

Characters and stories with no proper development yet.

Adopts and Other Stuff

Things that don't fit right...

Adopts, Resales, Personas, and more.

Directory HTML by Pinky