Pajulammas's Bulletins

Art Fight 2023

Posted 9 months, 29 days ago by Pajulammas

Just like last year, I'm taking part in Art Fight! My username is Pajulammas, and I'm on Team Werewolves.

Feel free to attack me there! Friendly fire is okay, too, and I try to revenge every attack I get ✨️✨️

I mostly draw cool monsters, furries, and especially Sonic and Neopets OCs, but I do also draw humans and humanoid characters!

I changed my social media username pretty much everywhere, so naturally I changed it here as well.

I was previously Kyklooppilesbo, now I'm Pajulammas.

The literal meaning is willow sheep, but it means catkin/pussy willow. Since Paju is my name and I love sheep, I thought it'd suit me~