Nexus Chronicles

The Nexus Chronicles is one of my own fanverses set mostly within (or, more accurately, after) the main canon of the Sonic universe, running parallel to the canon storyline. Currently taking place several years after Sonic Frontiers (where most of the main Sonic cast are now adults- minor the obvious children). 

While TNC is primarily centered around my original fan characters and their seperate narratives, it does also lightly dapple in canon character interactions. With occasional OC/canon relationships here and there, and obvious hints to main canon events, characters, etc. 

The different folders include different areas and 'character arcs' important within the NC universe. However, characters from separate folders ('stories') can still interact with each other. It is all set within the same world. Just different locations and scenes.

Characters in unsorted are not set to one area and/or storyline, the previous statement still applies to them though. These will also likely be my more 'important' characters.