Palmtreese's Profile Comments

heyyy i miss you :(( ♡♡

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how am i not subbed im so confused what have i done how could i not-

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just wondering do u have comms? :0

feel free to pick something from my comms and if I have time I’ll do it!!^^

AHH TYSM 💖💖😭 you definitely don’t have to do it, but your headshots look lovely :) <3

Aaa tysm that means a lot!!! Your like one of my idols lol…

I’ll try to get it done <3

HI HAPPY BIRTHDAY def gonna make you something buttttt i cant come up with a good sketch so itll probably be late.. i hope you have a great day!!! :D

TYSM RED! 💖💖 i did have a good day!! and Tysm, you really don’t have to though 💖

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I finished ur birthday gift early when do you want  it😈

Ooh heheh 💖 whenever you want!!

fdgcfg hi your designs are stunning and i didnt see anything about this on your profile but would u wanna do a design trade??

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Tysm 😭💖 right back atcha dude!

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Thanks!! Not really hahahaha it’s kinda unofficial heheh

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what brushes do you use?:oo

I use the Jingsketch basics brush set! Is a free procreate brushset you can find online!

oo ok!

Hi!!! I got one of your old designs that I drew a while back and I love them sm jsbvss 

[this is Productionn/Z0m-Bee btw!!]

Aw hi!!! I’m so glad you’re taking care of them + the art you made is so cute!!💖😭

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Thank you so much!!! Not at the moment cause my que is pretty full but maybe in the future! :D

What’s up? We haven’t talked in a bit haha 

Nothin too big! I impulsively died my hair dark on Sunday but that’s about it haha 😅 wbu?

Not much! My birthday was a weekish ago so I’m even older than you know 😈😈😈😈 I wish I could dye my hair but my mom won’t let me hahahah

hey! i’m extremely sorry 4 bothering u ,, but are they UFO? :0

Yeah,they are!! :)

ah, 4 some reason my phone refused 2 send the comment that i had typed out [ i thought that i had sent it , but ig i didn’t lmao- ] ,, would 3 full , one digitally painted / lineless scene [ 2 characters ] , n a custom be alright w u? ^^ [ i’m more than willing 2 change this offer if u’d like! ] 

waa ,, sorry 4 bothering u once again , but have u considered this offer at all? i’m currently trying 2 clean out my messages ^^

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I use procreate! :)

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I've been doing alright! Thanks for checking in :) what about you?

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Ooh thank you!! Ive been using a brush from the free brush set called Jingsketch basics!! :) I would definitely reccomend :D

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hihi! do you have comms open?

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Tysm dude!! And np, I adore your work so much <3

hey reese!! hru? <3 btw is it alr if i get authorised? i want to be able to see your gorgeous characters so i can draw them ;) hope youre having a great day/night eep! <3

I love your art so much!! I've adored it for a while 🥺🥺

I'd love to be friends later on, but rn just being a follower to you is amazing enough 🥺🥺💖

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Hi!! Tysm :) I use the free “everything brush” by Cassavey for procreate for almost everything! :)

OH MAN I THOUGHT I WAS SUBBED !! fixed that! ajskjs anyways hey Reese! how are you doing? n happy new year! i hope you had a good one! 💖💖

OH HI!! I STILL NEED TO SUB TO YOU TOO OMG 💖 and ive been doing pretty good!! New years eve went great!! How about you? 💖💖

It’s glad to see you’re (probably) back! Hope everything ended up okay and that you’re doing well!!

Thank you so much!! I’m doing much better!!

That's great to hear!

hope youre doing well 💞💞

Hi again!

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Hello!! I remember you :D I’d definitely love to chat with you some more as well!  :)

 And here is the code for my folders! Thank you so much for asking 💖

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hi !! i wanted to ask how my fullbody commission of cameron was coming ? ^^ <3 no rush , just wanted to make sure you knew about it !

AH THANKS FOR REMINDING ME!! I’m really sorry I forgot!! If you could tell me the specifics for the comm that would be great! :D

poggers !! <3 if u could do her snuggling with a plushie of some sort with the spike collar and shark tail like in this ref ? :] tysm <3

Definitely! Thank you so much for your patience!! Sorry for the wait! :0

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Yeah definitely!! :)

hello! i just wanted to say that this is soso gorgeous omg,, like seriously the anatomy and shading are just so well done?? i keep coming back to look at it 😖💖

Thank you so much!! 🥲💖💖 I’m so happy you enjoy it!!

HEYYYY  hru??

HI! I’m doing better! :) wbu?

im doing alright!!

dude remember this one christmas gift from a million years ago?


its lowkey kinda alright woah

Oh yeah!! That’s almost been a year ago! : ) that is really good :)

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Trick or treat! . . (if you were to treat me then could you do Leo or smthn? <3) . . . . . . . . ((((((also you can stop by my house and get candy every time! <333

trick or tweat :]c

trick or tweat :]c

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6 Replies

You hear your doorbell ring..

When you open it, the person who rang was asleep.


Ian has approached you dressed up as the night sky

 You give them a Treat, or a Trick 👻

Trick Or Treat!

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Hello u are super cool,, could I make fanart of Dutch when I have time? :D


Trick or treat for dee! Totally fine if you don’t have time tho <33

Trick or treat eee, I saw a custom you did for Zayzaril and just fell in love with your work ♡♡♡

Sorry if you're not participating xdd

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A bowl of candy, a bag of treats

A dish of tasty, sugary sweets

Knock I do, then knock some more

"Trick or treat!" I call at your door.

(ah, wait, just saw your bulletin saying you're only doing ToT with friends, sorry!)

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Ahh!! I love that drawing! :)

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I am! What a cute gif omg!

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🎃As you hold out your trick-or-treating bag, you wonder to yourself what Dutch might put inside. Trick or treat?...🎃

When you look inside, you breathe a sigh of relief! It’s a treat!!

A drawing of pancake dressed in a witches hat and a bag of chocolate goodies from Dutch herself!!

Hoppy Halloween!! 🎃 👻 🍬 🐸


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trick or treAT !!! ! !

:you hear a knock on your door: a ghost pads up to you with a smol basket in it's jaw. Trick or treat!!

just a friendly little reminder that,,, dude your art is so freaking cool,,, your art style is literally like god level,,,, i hope you have a wonderful day or night :D

Woah Tysm omg that’s so kind of you!! I just woke up not too long ago and this made my day :) <3

omgosh ofc you deserve wit <3

Trick or treat :]]

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I do not atm, but if you trick-or treat on my profile I might leave you a little something! :]

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trick or treat :]

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🎃As you hold out your trick-or-treating bag, you wonder to yourself what Dutch might put inside. Trick or treat?...🎃

When you look inside, you breathe a sigh of relief! It’s a treat!!

A drawing of Blue dressed as Silvie from Loki and a bag of chocolate goodies from Dutch herself!!

Happy Halloween!! 🎃 👻 🍬


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IM SO SO BAD AT EXPRESSING EMOTION BUT OMG THANK YOU. SO MUCH IM LIKE LITERALLY SO HAPPY!! THIS COMMENT IS SO SUPER NICE OMG 💖💖 I was so happy to make this for you! I’ve been meaning to draw blue for a while and I had so much fun doing them!!! 💖💖💝

trick or treat !! ><

🎃As you hold out your trick-or-treating bag, you wonder to yourself what Dutch might put inside. Trick or treat?...🎃

When you look inside, you breathe a sigh of relief! It’s a treat!!

A drawing of Cam dressed as Wanda’s Halloween costume and a bag of chocolate goodies from Dutch herself!!

Happy Halloween!! 🎃 👻 🍬 





trick or treat! np if u dont have time :]

🎃As you hold out your trick-or-treating bag, you wonder to yourself what Dutch might put inside. Trick or treat?...🎃

When you look inside, you breathe a sigh of relief! It’s a treat!!
a drawing of Alexandra dressed as a duck and a bag of chocolate goodies from Dutch herself!!

Happy Halloween!! 🎃 👻 🍬 


DUDE THIS IS GORGEOUS WHAT- urs will be done soon reansnjbs

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i need moodboard

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🎃As you hold out your trick-or-treating bag, you wonder to yourself what Dutch might put inside. Trick or treat?...🎃

As you open the the bag, to much dismay, you gasp and bats galore swarm around your face! You got tricked!!


Happy Halloween!! Sorry for the trick! 🎃

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Hi!! :)

would you like to do a dt sometime [ not now but like when u can if u want ] :0?

I made some gift art, I'm sending it your way! I might make some more later, so keep an eye out for that!


That was super sweet of you to make me something! <3

You're welcome!



Your art is really cool >:]

Thank you!!

np >:]

*nvm haha


hello! :) are your trades by chance open? :0 (sorry if you don't like trade requests, i looked around but didn't see any trade status or anything like that)

I would 100% do one with you, but I am quite busy with art payments. Sorry! <3

ofc, np problem, tysm <33

Hey, just out of curiosity, when you started digital art, who were your main inspos (If any)? I want to see who/what inspired your amazing art! :)

Hey!! Sorry for the late reply!! Some of my inspos are Zayzaril, tiredegg, maws, honeybeest, rubberduckiez, and many more! :)

Hey you’re really kind and awesome and I want you to know that


thank you so much 💖 same to you! 💖



/p <333










ILYT!! /p 💖💖💖💖

Hello there!

Hey!! Is there anything I can help you with? :)

No, not really!

How are you doing today?

I’m doing alright! What about you? :D

I'm okay, I'm just preparing to try and make some adopts

I have to find a base and stuff

Ooh ok! That sounds fun! I hope you can find a good one :)

2 Replies

may i trade 4 these 2?

Yeah :)

hmm any1 in my th interest u? i can also do art if u want (:

ok! sounds good to me!

u good for a sona swap 2day? 

Omigosh, so I know it's been forever since I've spoken to you, but it's me, J (you know, from the Agg Gang)! I was really inactive on Toyhouse for several months (and I still need to update my account and everything lol), but I wanted to check in with you and see how you're doing! :D

HEYYY!! I’m doing pretty well! How are you? :0 <3

That's awesome!! I'm doing pretty good as well! :D <3 What's been going on?


btw because im basicslly locked in my room all week due too every1s fav disease, i have plenty of time to spit out loads of images of dutch if u wanna do the swap any time this week

Ooh maybe on Sunday! :)

u still ok w/ 2day? im stockin up on art of dutch

Yeah sure! :) I’ll send her over

hey reese! <3 i was quickly just wondering what the code is for changeing the background image of the pages on your pf? im trying to figure it out but cant seem to aaaa ^^"