
Ah hi there quick disclaimer, please don't look through my stuff if you're not into twisted minded story content. The content I write is for entertainment purposes only, and in no way reflects my personal psychie.

My background delves into horror stories, "Silent Hill", "Clover Field 2" the movie, "Room" the movie, Home abduction shows shock factor content such as south park, cards of humanity and a lot of things that people would find crude and or offensive. I've done acting and have taken psychology courses and like to explore different scenarios that would cause someone to act or behave in certain scenarios. A lot of this personally terrifies me, which is why it thrills and interests me, home abduction is horrifying, but writing about it is a way for me to experience it myself and possibly understand that fear to the best of my ability through writing. 

Some of my stories are safe for work, and specific characters are a lot more safe than others so make sure you ex that NSFW tag if you're looking for a good time instead of a bad one. I'd hate for anyone to be hurt or triggered by my content if it was never their intention. I'll make sure to mark off warnings along the way. 💖

Edits: my story is a big WIP rn. I'll make sure to keep posted.