
The Unlucky Lock ee0e8bdb1e90dae40beb25f8261458301bcff975

Humans and species from other worlds work together to fix a world corrupted by dark magic that's making people go insane, doing horrible and inhumane things they normally wouldn't. A world trying to be fixed by a girl named Indigo, who wants to set everything right, and boy named Sawyer, who wants to continue the work of someone close to him. Who knew the things closest to them would be so powerful.

 Horror   Dystopian   Supernatural   Dark Fiction 

The Creators Of The End 0be6b81a3d471d4dbcf01d510a0e7cbd5115a947

Gods and Goddesses that control all the worlds don't get along quite well. So let's take a look into their lives as they live and work together.

 Frivolous   Supernatural   Facetious   Comedy 

Battle Skies 510f0f6d623f775b2b3911e353194b0dd9d5e038

A world where everyone has their own unique ability and can use it to fight in tournaments.

 Action   Adventure   Supernatural 

Distortion fb5d32d33d7f777847e195977abc67c3931381e5

Two worlds begin to randomly merge and cause everything to distort. People from other worlds and timelines begin to be brought to the merging worlds. As well as people changing in appearance and abilities. This story follows the lives of those affected.

 Action   Mystery   Supernatural 

Onscure 9197bd3f418baf151eb64929fb6e201c52a0c073

A story of stories. Including The Ombrophobe, The Eisotrophobe, and The Mnemophobe.

 Horror   Dream World   Supernatural   Dark Fiction 

The Broken Rule EYzhhjeWsAEw8vp?format=jpg&name=large

Ingarius, a species with different types of its kind, Impurities and Purities as well as Blights. Impurities need Purities to live, while Purities could live without the Impurities. Blights are outcasts and considered deformed. They are either a mixture of both, born an Impurity when supposed to be a Purity, or the other way around. Follow Elis, who is born an Impurity, is a Blight and is being hunted down.

 Action   Supernatural 

Killers Streak 920612f63aad7a191615cd83c0f5213e15f9dff9

A zombie apocalypse story about Harpo, who is part robot. He protects Fox, who is a little girl he found. As well as a girl named Bonnie who eventually joins their group.

 Zombie Apocalypse   Romance   Supernatural   Action 

Two Groups Of Clueless Birds ea044eb1e4dc1c1a3679b8a57a86970073d91a0f

Kyrone, a narcissist who sees himself as better than everyone else, is dared to stay in a haunted house over the weekend. They say he is allowed to bring one person with him. He accepts, but he is told he is not the one that gets to choose who stays with him. They choose Kai, the one person that Kyrone sees as his enemy for being better than him. What seemed as though a normal dare to Kyrone, led to Kai figuring out things about Kyrone that he shouldn't have.

 Horror   Monster   Supernatural   Romance 

The Tale Of Tails 987b9e8ffee5a6fcd09bc08609a3a56a1c806373

A story where humans and a species known as a Devernox live together. Devernox's hide away their animal traits and live as humans. Mexle, who is a human, meets Sahn and Poet. Later he finds out that they are Devernox's, but he wants to help protect them.

 Slice-of-Life   Supernatural   Wholesome 

Boxed Walls 8d594cb678bbe994678012aba95cde4e27c499a0

A group that has lived their life together finds out that the world they live in is fake and they were in a simulated world. They all realize more things they never took into consideration, the fact that they don't know their names and they have identification numbers. They make it their goal to break the system and get out of the simulation.

 Dream like   Dystopian   Supernatural   Simulated world 

Two Burning Matches 53faabf2ac04e0424a055acc9c4910a4785f2388

Niome and Azi are two people from the Netherworld and are known as Netheranians. Their species is dying out and they are sent out to earth to find people to mate with them and others of their species. Azi has a violent way of thinking, which is bad in his case because he is cursed to feel pain whenever he thinks of hurting someone. While Niome is too nice to everyone and too optimistic. How will this end?

 Romance   Slice-of-Life   Supernatural   Wholesome 

Adopts/Up For Sale c21f4eb55054a49a88be4e3793a7f040a4020068

Designs and characters I'm selling

 USD   Characters   Adopt   Designs 

Extra Stories/Oc's FVU9RRCX0AELNUh?format=jpg&name=large

Other short stories and/or other miscellaneous characters.

 Fan OC's   Short Stories   OC's With No Story 

HTML by Pinky

Adopt UFS Up for sale Bunny Jellyfish Monster Zombie Armor Sea creature Battle Cyber Bird Demon Bug