Hero & Villain

Hero & Villain

Part of Project 01

A fun roleplay project between my friends-about complicated people trying to play hero and villain. Here are my characters for it! They're somewhat connected to the main story, but got their own things going on as well.

There are many questions complications in a world of superpowers and superheroes, but not everyone can benefit, and not everyone can cope...

Click here for some world vocabulary/context you might come across from their bios:

Superpowers-Special abilities that certain people possess, giving them inhuman abilities like elemental manipulation, teleportation, so on!

Radiated powers-Powers that came from a radiated meteor around 100 years ago; these are much vaguer, allowing the creation of alters! (Jackal, Aster, Hase)

Inherited/bloodline powers-Powers that are inherited from a mythological bloodline (Mina)

Hero corporations-Corporations funded by the government to hire people with superpowers to help serve the land...sometimes with ulterior motives

Villains groups-Mafia-like groups who use superpowers for organized crime