Pat8toChild's Profile Comments

Hey there! I hope you don't mind but I wanted to take the time to say a couple of things. Firstly, welcome to Toyhouse!   

Secondly, your characters seem so cool so far!!
From what I've seen up to now? I love your art of them, even just looking at them they each look like they're loaded with personality. They've all got such fun shapes and they look really unique!

I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing more from you c:

AA !! Thank you so so so much!!! That makes me so increbly happy!!!! Im glad you enjoy it all so far!! I have lots more to come!!! :DDD

Heya, I like your art a lot, your designs are also amazing too, like I would replace my sona with any your of your designs , keep it up!

Thank you so so much!! That's so kind of you!!

Np man (or woman) also do you do art trade’s 

I do not at the current moment sadly! Appriciate the offer tho!!

Well, that’s fine, also I’m subbing To you