Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


I write a LOT of characters! (Over 1400 and counting!)

That means I have a lot of characters who aren't the greatest people. This ranges from gang members to serial killers, to the nastiest of the nasty. This does not mean I agree with these characters or support their decisions. I just like drama!

With that said, I draw and write a LOT of gore and other unsavory topics. If that's not your vibe then cool! All of it will be tagged appropriately, so you can still enjoy my content and avoid the things you don't like. 

As a general warning, these topics are fairly prominent, but individual warnings will exist for each character/page, so still feel free to explore!

- Blood, Gore, all sorts of guts and exposed bone

- Drugs (Mild usage and mentions)

- Death. Mass death as well

- Sex and sexual humor

- Bright colors

- Nonsexual Nudity

- Cults and religious themes

- Body horror

- Probably some other stuff I'm forgetting

Oh and, DNI if you're an asshole. I shouldn't have to say this but the internet is the internet. So if you're here to start shit or complain. fuck off <3

This bitch is here, queer, and my pain is moderate to severe, I don't have time to argue about basic human rights

Now go have fun! 

or don't. i'm not your boss

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