World 1 (WIP)

(Pinwheel Quintet is connected to this universe.)

In this world there are people who have the ability to manipulate the desires and thoughts of people, called dream-eaters. Peater is one of the very few existing today, trying to survive against a society that very much hates his people. 

One day, he gets a mysterious asking him to travel to a certain city that will accept him and grant him a prosperous future, but the city isn't exactly as wonderful as the letter makes it out to be.

pokemon kirby animal little dudes nature lupin iii jet diesel korp red blue bird cookie run pink aquatic yellow green purple power rangers brown reptile feline humanoid humans alien waddle dee pq human penguin bunny AU pets joke characters dark matter dragon steampunk sheep puffball cyborgs bug chess jester longkii angel green mosshead luser crackhead donuts cyclops bastard pirate ribbon rabbit club penguin plants vs zombies jammerjab whippy simirror chicken Jumpluff Lanturn rodent swampert aggron luxray togekiss nidoqueen dodrio tupin ghost boy futakuchi onna turtoise bitch ass mf goofy ass they can KILL you plant cyberpunk knight magician puffle pvz halcandran ninja clown Typhlosion Gengar venusaur fearow swellow flygon roserade bibarel sandslash lupin qupin i guess the great ghoul duel cyborg scarecrow soy boy theres room for moore mecha star orange tac clowncore canine goat grandma nidoking dugtrio breloom walrein chimecho blastoise victreebel gupin white lupsona demon girl farmer nerdddd alligator crown waddle dee bat bluejay pacapillar burning leo squeaks vividria jackalope peanut Noctowl Heracross raichu cloyster sableye empoleon gliscor persian bupin cringe yokai cottagecore