Peepapeep's Literatures

25 days, 5 hours ago
25 days, 5 hours ago
1 9224 2

Explicit Violence

written by Peepapeep (im just uploading it bc its my OCs)

Within the Game, a Plan is made. In order to fast-track completing their Land Quest, four teens of a beta session of SBURB plan to tackle their denizens early in order to access God Tier. As they head down to the dungeons of the Land of Sound and Loops to confront Xiuhtēcuhtli, something goes wrong. The day repeats, and something else goes wrong. Again and again and again, and yet Cole Everett must march forwards.

(This literature is considered canon up to a certain point, and then considered canon divergence. There are six planned acts, with brief intermissions.)

8 months, 25 days ago
8 months, 23 days ago
5 5690 1

existential horror!

these poor lil guys