

Guidelines / Tos?

  • I will only accept paypal, no points or other type of currency.
  • I will send character AFTER I have received payment.
  • I will send a request for the payment for you, I will need your email to do so.
  • I will not refund you after character is given to you, even if you give them back, I will decline it.
  • I can hold a character for 1 week, unless extra time is asked for I will not hold it any longer.
  • Some characters have the option to offer and their worth is displayed in their name as well, I would like the offer to match the displayed worth, either in art or trade.
  • I have rights to decline your offer for any reason.
  • I have the right to sell my character for any amount I see fit.
  • If you have any questions always ask.
  • If noncompliance with any of these guidelines, I will reject any offer, cancel payment or refund if necessary, a public beware and a spot of my blacklist will be made.

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