PenTem's Bulletins

Code acc!

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by PenTem

hello everyone!

just wanted to update y'all and let y'all know that I have a code acc now! It's for codes only- and I hope to make some codes that are stable enough for ppl to use soon (hopefully, assuming I'm not as busy as I am now)

the account is toiistr !

Prof/Char/whatever Code Reqs?

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by PenTem

Hey everyone!

I haven't been on recently but I'd like to change that. I've noticed that a lot of ya'll seem to really like my jack stauber insp codes, and even tho I don't list them publically, I really appreciate y'alls feedback!!

I'm planning on finishing pop opera eventually, I'm getting back into coding now but I won't have as much time to code bc of school and stuff.

I guess I'm posting this to see what other songs you guys want me to make codes based on! Leave your reqs below!

//ps: they don't have to be limited to just Jack Stauber! I have some codes I wanna make that are outside of Jack Stauber entirely so just throw up some song reccs and I'll see what I can do! :D